September 17, 2009


I want to thank several people who have done a lot to clear the air and set straight some of the misconceptions that have been thrown about.

Matt Semeyn, thank you for your comments of last week and today. What you said was spot on and a great contribution to this blog. Bill Lamb, and Mary Alice should take a bow as well. Lakeside should stand and applaud the efforts of all three of them for not only the thankless job of being a board member in good times, but even more so under these circumstances. I don't recall any of you seeking those positions and as Matt put it, its about giving back. That is the leadership that Lakeside needs and deserves. Thank you all of you.

I am not sure what more I can offer that has not already been discussed concerning our unique situation. I am going to keep this open and available for those who do have something constructive to offer. I simply ask that we keep the tone civil and leave the name calling for some place else.

This has been a labor of love, fun and interesting and yea, I'd do it all over again. I will from time to time throw stuff on here, just to see if anyone is paying attention. Comments are always welcome, and it sure would be nice if those who do comment, use your name and not anonymous.

Again, I wish to thank Matt, Bill, and Mary Alice for their service, their expertise and their dedication to Lakeside, I for one appreciate it. Thank you.....


Joey said...

Nice post. Well said and timely. I for one have enjoyed the interaction and the comments. For a bit, things got a bit dicey and I think both of us felt that we were perhaps stirring a pot without taste. There has been substance here though and venting was part of the cooking process.

The overall message has to be remembered. What happened with us could have happened with just about anyone in camp.. and I speak for all 3 camps. Times dictate some change and all of us face difficulties in change. Lakeside is and always will be a great respite. It comes with care and feeding and we all have to step up to the plate to help keep things going. This blog could be an opportunity to share ideas and ok, vent a bit. Doing it with the goal of making things better, or maintaining the best parts of why we are all here is the goal. We all pretty much know everyone. I believe we have a few readers who don't and that's good too. Families are a common denominator. I hope that the message we carry will at least help one family save their precious gift. Every family has that "snake" lurking in the grass, ready to pounce. Ask yourself.."what if..." over and over and over. There is no possible way to plan for each and every possibility that might threaten what you have, but don't ignore some of the solutions. What if? Keep talking folks!

Anonymous said...

Good glad we got that straightened away. Now I might be reading this blog again.

Anonymous said...

Have y'all heard about the French singing sensation Sliimy?

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