July 20, 2009

A lot was happening....stay with us here...

While mother and I were at the cottage for Christmas, the sheriff visited the day after with the papers that Rick had picked up in Saginaw and delivered to the Roscommon Sheriff's department. From the photo posted previously, you can see he was a great guy. He really was. He was also awestruck by the place. He said he never knew any of this was even "up here". Yup.. just the way we like it, right? Private. Tucked away from all the stress and craziness of the real world. Private. Nice move David.

In reading the paperwork he delivered he mentioned in his notes that "Mrs. Lee is in the process of finishing the inventory/photos of the residence-interior and furnishings- will be out by the 28th-29th at the latest."

That's right. We had planned on staying through New Year's. We left on the 29th. In an e-mail from our attorney that we did not receive until after we had returned home he stated, "Sturtz dropped the order off at my office this noon. He knows from David Symons that you are at the cottage, so made the point of running the order over here before our offices close for the Christmas holiday. This, of course, is sheer vidictiveness on his/David's part. He is also trying to create a situation for a contempt of court claim." Nice. Very nice.

As my brother will explain in greater detail, the cottage inventory was to be negotiated at a session with David Meyer. That was scheduled for Tuesday, the 30th of December. While we prepared for that session, David was busy preparing to bring a motion of contempt of court against mother. In a very serious family pow wow it was clear we needed to bring someone on board who could represent mother in court against the nasty contempt of court charges. Mr. Campbell is a gentleman all the way. He was not the sort to take on Phil Sturtz. As soon as we got home, we called William Street. He was just what the doctor ordered. He would join us all in court on January 5th, for some big fireworks....


Anonymous said...

"While mother and I were at the cottage for Christmas, the sheriff visited the day after with the papers that Rick had picked up in Saginaw and delivered to the Roscommon Sheriff's department."

Nice, Rick. Really classy move. Doing the devil's bidding on the day after Christ's birth. Didn't you have anything better to do? Like enjoy the spirit of the holiday with your family, perhaps?

Did you really need to drive those papers up there and kick Auntie Jo out of her cottage the day after Christmas?

You're just as bad as your old man.

Anonymous said...

""Sturtz dropped the order off at my office this noon. He knows from David Symons that you are at the cottage, so made the point of running the order over here before our offices close for the Christmas holiday. "

Way to go, Phil "Skirtz the Law"- you are a shining example of the nobility of the legal profession.

"sheer vidictiveness on his/David's part. He is also trying to create a situation for a contempt of court claim"

Yeah, well, we all know what a shit hole David Slymons is.

"David was busy preparing to bring a motion of contempt of court against mother. "

Isn't raping the cottage from her enough??

Anonymous said...

"we called William Street. He was just what the doctor ordered. He would join us all in court on January 5th, for some big fireworks...."

Hope you socked it to 'em on Jan. 5!

Wasn't it obvious to the court what an incredible slyme bag move it was, Skirtie and Slymie trying to claim contempt of court?

They set Josephine up! Led her to believe it was cool with them for her to go up there over Xmas! It's hard to image such a villain, such an unscrupulous troll actually exists in our midst. He's JR Ewing without the money or intelligence, just the same will to fuck with everyone.

Anonymous said...

This is just pathetic that David would give her the green light to use the old girl one last time and then strong arm the judge,send Ricky north and have the sheriff
make a stop on dec 26th AND let them run out of fuel in a frigid
winter storm. That is beyond evil and hateful.

Anonymous said...

You just can't make this shit up, folks.

Assholism thy name is David Slymons.