and all through the house.. it was warm and cozy, but not so nice.
The fuel oil problem resolved, the Christmas tree delivered, we decorated the cute tree and put a few Christmas touches around the cottage. That awful pit in the stomach feeling was on high. Between crying and wanting to throw up, I'd gotten a call from my brother letting us know that somehow.. some weird miraculous thing had occurred. The judge had ruled. It truly was a miracle. The judge didn't usually rule and no one expected a ruling before Christmas. How that happened is any one's guess.
I discussed the situation with my brother. We could not be reached at the cottage because David had taken the phone. Oh.. there was still one in the kitchen but it didn't ring. We could call one could call in. It was broken. Hmmmm.. and why the need to remove the only working phone is still a mystery. Especially since we'd been ordered by the court to NOT remove anything. So, our attorney reached my brother and he forwarded on the information regarding the ruling. We were banned from being there. What to do? I made the decision to not tell mother. She was already struggling and it just seemed too much to deal with. We simply could not take down the tree, all the trimmings, pack up and leave. We stayed.
We had a delicious Christmas dinner. I had told mother at this point about the situation and since the rest of the family had planned on coming the next week, we needed to get ahold of everyone and huddle. Mother wanted to leave. I put in a S.O.S. call on Friday morning to Topper and said "get your ass up here NOW". He couldn't make it until Sunday. I called John. "Get your ass up here". He did. Called Betsy.. she came with her scanner. We had a major ice storm and there was NO WAY I was going to be able to take down the tree, finish the inventory..and load the car. What to do? We had a party! Invited many in camp to come for dinner and eat up all the food that we'd stocked up on for the week ahead. Oh yeah. The Sheriff came on Friday morning so we knew "officially" what the ruling was. I will ask my brother to re post the original photo and post regarding "the gift". All I can say.. it was supposed to be a "stress free" Christmas for mother and I. It was definitely NOT that.
There was no sales event which had yet taken place.
Why oh why would he go to such great expense, with legal fees and court cost, just to bar his sister from enjoying her final Christmas in her cottage?
When earlier he had basically said, "have a good time, check the oil?"
Then the final indignity- which I'm sure will be the next post. Sending the Sheriff into Camp.
Never have I seen such lowlife behaviour.
Yes.. no sale yet. Also, two previous attempts at an injuction were denied by the judge. We really didn't expect the ruling we got. Oh, and by the way...David's attorney called our attorney on Christmas eve. Really. Our attorney had the impression that the "plaintiff" was perhaps driving Phil nuts. Hmmmmmm.
I'm sure David had to be peeled of the ceiling, he was fuming so badly about you guys being at the cottage during Christmas.
Once again the "I don't wanna be there, but I REALLY don't want you guys to be there" syndrome.
The man has absolutely no remorse. If I was forcibly hijacked the family cottage away from my sister, for a ridiculously undervalued price (not even counting screwing her out of her share in Lakeside Assoc.) I'd feel somewhat guilty!!
I would have gladly offered her the cottage at Christmas! Sent a box of Harry and David fruit even!
But he just had to get all Ebenezer Scrooge on y'all!
It's the saddest tale.
"Our attorney had the impression that the "plaintiff" was perhaps driving Phil nuts. Hmmmmmm."
No doubt Slymie was driving Phil Skirtie completely batshit.
Geesh! It's Christmas!! Couldn't he just enjoy time with Carol and his kids and not obsess about the Lees enjoying their cottage? Couldn't he have just have been content with knowing that was about to win? His ultimate fantasy of getting rid of his sister and her family was about to come true. Wasn't that enough?
Did he really need to sic the law on Josephine? On Christmas?
Peace on Earth, Good Will to All. Yeah, right. Not when you're David C. Slymons.
"We could not be reached at the cottage because David had taken the phone. Oh.. there was still one in the kitchen but it didn't ring. We could call one could call in. It was broken. Hmmmm.. and why the need to remove the only working phone is still a mystery."
It's no mystery to me. Slymie sabotaged all communications lines to the cottage. Eerie. Freaky. Scary. Sad.
take out the phones, have the sherriff show up and on top of that try and nail Josephine for contempt?????. And he's president of Lakeside. Does that say anything for your camp as a whole? Sorry M.A. You were right in everything you said but this man is sick. What sort of person really does that.
Glad I live on the island
Mr. Pritchard
take out the phones, have the sherriff show up and on top of that try and nail Josephine for contempt?????. And he's president of Lakeside. Does that say anything for your camp as a whole? Sorry M.A. You were right in everything you said but this man is sick. What sort of person really does that.
Glad I live on the island
Mr. Pritchard
It does send a rather slimey message to the outside world, who our dear President is.
I think we're just gonna pitch our pop up tent in the North Higgins Lake State Park until David Slymons get officially excommunicated from Lakeside Camp.
Hopefully this will happen at the annual meeting.
Man, I'm thinking of renting in Pinewoods until that fruit loop is gone.
"David had taken the phone."
This is just like a bad plot from that old show "Momma's Family."
Looks like a Charlie Brown Christmas tree.
That was one of the best tree's I've seen up there also the fact of where it was and what it meant
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