With the attorneys busy in December, waiting on David Meyer's report, we were asked to make arrangements for the cottage contents. Mother had sent David and e-mail on Dec. 9, 2008 stating:
Good Morning,
It has been suggested that you and I sit down and go over the contents of the cottage. There are some decisions that need to be made. Choose a time after Jan. 4th and we can meet for lunch at the Saginaw Club and take care of this.
Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving with your family and that Christmas will be a very fun time with the grandchildren.
So then we went to court. We had to hear their side go on about how we may cause damage to the place and we were arguing fees that David M. had come up with..one in particular the title insurance (which could not be obtained) among other fees. The judge said he'd have his answer by the end of the week. He didn't. He generally didn't so it was no surprise. We packed, talked with our lawyer who had also talked with David M. and because they felt there would be NO ruling before Christmas, we headed up north.
We went up on Monday instead of Tuesday because the forecast was calling for even more snow. There was a ton up there already so to be safe, we got ahead of the storm.
We unloaded the car. That's an ordeal in the winter with snow banks 10 ft. tall but Kris had created a path to the back door of the front cottage.
Remember the fuel everyone agreed should be ordered??? About 1 a.m. mother and I woke up freezing. And I mean FREEZING. We were out of oil. Geee, wonder how THAT happened???
Instead of winning your hearts with kindness, he tried to freeze you out. what a you know what
Yes, odd about that fuel oil thing. We had several conversations with Kris about it. David had told him to order more..I had mentioned it at least twice. I suspect poor Kris was caught in the middle of the mess. I mean.. what the heck happened???
Yeah, well, Slymie told Kris that the Lees were soon to be history, and to blow it off. Obviously neither one of them cared if y'all froze to death up there. Loyalty is a funny thing, Kris. Be careful where you place it. Be careful what you do. Don't running around keeping cottages cold.
I'm so glad you just went up there to enjoy YOUR cottage. Screw the courts. Who were they to grant you permission to use your own cottage? There was certainly no sale by that point. (Even if the deal was in the bag for Slymie)
And what nonsense to get insurance on your own stuff. Like you were common criminals. You've been going up there forever. Why would you steal anything? It's so very insulting, and really speaks to David's mental illness. He is probably a paranoid schizophrenic.
So did the lunch meeting with Uncle Slymie and Auntie Jo at the Saginaw Club ever take place?
It's so weird. It's like the Lees really wanted the place.
Slymie doesn't seem to really want it-- he was motivated more by a desire for the Lees not to have it than for him to have it.
His kids don't want it.
Carol is probably so humiliated when she is up there. (assuming she has the normal human feelings so absent in her husband)
The Radkes have been nowhere to be found so far this summer. What the hell kind of investment is that? Not a consciously clean, Karmically pure one, that's for sure.
This whole thing is pretty f#$ked up.
Peace be to all involved in the situation. (Even Slymie- he's clearly a mental case)
The invitation to sit down and discuss various items never happened. He never even responded to mother's e-mail. As usual. We went up to take a comprehensive inventory. We at least got that done.
"Obviously neither one of them cared if y'all froze to death up there. Loyalty is a funny thing, Kris. Be careful where you place it. Be careful what you do. Don't running around keeping cottages cold".
I take real exception to this statement. Again, you are assuming that Kris was apart of this whole plot. Kris opened the cottage, got the water working, shoveled a path to your door, brought you a tree he cut down himself from his own property and all this was done days before the Lee's actually came in to Lakeside. I don't believe that Kris has ever taking sides in this family feud. These types of comments towards innocent bystanders are inexcusable.
Everyone.....just get all of your cottages in order.....there are a lot of David's in this world
In responce to an errlier comment, at no time did we imply that Kris had any involement in the fuel oil situatuion. I suspect an error in reading the correct number of inches of fuel oil in the tank led to that.
The bigger question should be why would David in one breath suggest mother have a nice time up north, and in the next breath file another motion to prevent her from using her cottage.
Kris is by far the best caretaker we have ever had. STOP using or bashing his name in this blog. Kris works for the camp as a whole, he doesn't take sides and he does more for us than you can imagine. LEAVE him alone. His name does not belong here. We do not need to lose him. Do you want another guy smith? I didn't think so. Get a grip on this blog!!!!
"I take real exception to this statement." I agree. The poor guy is not in the middle of this and would never put himself in that kind of position. Kris is a hard-working, amazingly talented man and wouldn't lower himself at all. Ever. I have a feeling that our fabulous president is at the bottom of this and a number of other things.
But Argile was pretty great too!
"I have a feeling that our fabulous president is at the bottom of this and a number of other things."
Yes, President Slymons is at the bottom of this and many other things detrimental to Lakeside Camp.
Get rid of slymie before he ruins the most precious place that we know of. He doesn't seem to no what the hell is going on up there and I don't mean camp business. Sending his sons to look over the camp and reporting back to him doesn't count as a prez. He's not pleasant nor his wife. Lets elect someone that puts LAKESIDE FIRST not second
What's the problem? Get rid of the beast. Have you seen him in the hall? He eats for a family of six. He's way over weight to say the least. I know, I know so get ready to delete this comment. I'm only writing the truth
Argle was one of the best as was john mallinger. They are gone and we have Kris. He basically beats them all. He does things and doesn't send you a bill. Not that that's a good thing but he loves where he is so lets not get in the way of his best interest. He listens to who he has to and makes his own decisions. He doesn't talk about other people. The only thing he says is they are goofy and that's ok. Just lets please leave him out of this blog bashing. OK PLEASE
Kris is the best. At no times and under no circumstances can we blame Kris for anything. He was put in a very difficult position. Not by us. Lakeside is most fortunate to have him. Everything that can be done to make sure he stays on should be done. He's been great. I'm not sure how anyone would have gotten the impression that we blamed him for anything.
davey must have told him to forget about the oil and said there was plenty for you to use. Knowing full well there wasn't any. Probably to make you go home. Glad you stayed we had fun over christmas other than the sherriff showing up. What a buzz kill
I'd like to add that the board asked David to recuse himself from any contact with Kris including any communication. We have always had a good relationship and did not involve him in any of this.
when was that conversation?
"I'd like to add that the board asked David to recuse himself from any contact with Kris including any communication."
Which obviously isn't enough to make him ashamed. WHAT is it going to take to make this guy realize what's going on?
I stole a cottage
And I liked it
The taste of her pine needle chapstick
I Stole a cottage
And I liked it
Hope my sister don't mind it.
I stole a cottage
Just to try it
then I forced the inlaws
To buy it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm
A slymeball 2nite.
or maybe a Christmas carol
"Lets elect someone that puts LAKESIDE FIRST not second"
Dear Anonymouse: I elect YOU. Please. Take my place.
Enuff's enough, folks. I am pretty sickened to see our caretaker's name in this blog at all.
You guys want at me? CALL ME ON THE PHONE. (734) 604-6536 Or stop by my cottage this weekend.
Let's take our masks off and talk. This hiding behind "Anyonymous" is ridiculous. I may not agree with everything said on this blog, but I sure appreciate the people who step up and fess up to owning their ideas.
You guys ALL know the process for making change -- it will require that someone come forward.
Any takers?
I think I probably know and care deeply for everyone who comments on this blog, but it's getting hard to tell.
Joey and Topper, you know where my heart is. Everyone else -- please. Let's start talking. Take Joey and Topper's lead. Sign your name or better yet, TALK to one of us.
Yeah! What M.A. said
And for the record, I care deeply for everyone at Lakeside -- my comment is not intended to endorse one 'side' or another. I have been walking the fence since this started -- but I know that my fence walking has not hurt my friendship with Joey nor my ability to behave in Lakeside's best interest as a board member. If you feel differently, please, you know what to do.
One more thing before I sign off.
This has been a rough couple of years. We've lost some great people. It is going to get tougher. We are going to need one another. We are the next generation. Let's keep this place going for the future generations of Lakeside.
Was that first bell I heard... Cocktails anyone?
Two corrections:
the "e" in "Anonymous" was a typo -- not a slight
I meant to say "... see our caretaker's name in these comments",not blog. His name is not mentioned in the blog at all.
KUMBAYA, y'all. Nighty night.
Great comments, MA!
Finally, we have evidence that someone on the board reads this amazing blog, the RDJ. Thanks for reading and commenting, Sir.
M.A., perhaps you could let us know, have the Slymons/Radkes paid the 20K Lakeside transfer fee yet to the Association?
Surely there's a lot of good that can be achieved for Lakeside with that money.
Kumbaya and have a great night!
Oh the drama and the pain of what is to come! Feliz Navidad, Jo. xoxo David.
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