Recently Joey spoke of she and mother going north for one last Christmas and new years, as has been done countless times in years past. She also mentioned the low fuel oil episode we have all chalked up to a faulty level reading, so here is act II courtesy of David Symons.
We had been waiting for a ruling from the judge, who's words "I will have a reply in three (3) days", were said on December 14Th, 2009. Fast forward to December 23, gosh that seems like more than three (3) days doesn't it ???
It is interesting to point out that all previous communications had indicated they were to leave Saginaw on the 23rd, but due to incoming weather, they got out of dodge a day earlier. That apparently didn't set well with some!
I posted this rarely seen photo of David dressed as the Grinch, or was it the Grinch dressed as David, anyway I digress, what a great way to welcome Christmas than with a ruling from the judge that you can not use your cottage over the holidays or you could be charged with being in contempt of court. If that doesn't bring tidings and good cheer to a whole new level I don't know what does.

This was followed up a day later when from out of nowhere appeared Santa, sorry, wrong Christmas poem, a Sheriff's deputy from Roscommon County. Compliments of, you guessed it, David Symons via Richard Symons. It seems that Rick was none to happy to gather from the court on the morning of the 26Th, the papers the judge signed on the evening of the 23rd and drive them to Roscommon. I'm thinking David was a little too full from the gorging he must have participated in, I feel sorry for that holiday bird!

So there you have it. It is inconceivable to think that an adult, and I am speaking kindly here, can show such an arrogant display of viciousness towards his only living sibling. Unfucking believable was my original comment and it still works today.
There is nothing that he can say or do that will change my opinion of him. He is despicable.
However, if history has taught us anything, it ain't over yet. Things are going to get interesting real fast. We might need to bring in heavier guns for the looming battle.
It was a very nice holiday. Seems david's christmas wasn't so nice. Maybe he didn't get the right nylons for christmas so he had to mess with someone else's holiday. Couldn't just leave you guys alone for one last christmas. Well maybe now old slymie can have his christmas in july and be barred from Lakeside and the board. Other presidents are getting kicked off boards for cheating and lying, what's the difference?
The Annual Meeting is July 25th at 10:00 am in the Dining Hall. If you feel ANY board member should be removed, PLEASE come to the meeting and demand a vote. In other words "PUT UP OR SHUT UP"
Yes.. this action was pointless. The game was over, we needed the inventory and what the heck? I think David was really in a bunch. I'd like to know how many phone calls he made to his attorney to get this done. You'd think anyone would have something better to do over the holidays. It was horrible.
As usual Josephine kept here sense of humor. You go Jo.
It still was a wonderous holiday. you were there and slymie wasn't. I think he wanted to spend his Christmas with you and when he didn't get his invite he was yanked
Wonder how the cop know exactly which cottage to go to. In winter. The signs would have been covered in snow.
Did Ricky Slymons ride with the cop?
Hey, folks in camp knew the sheriff was coming before he even pulled into the drive. Rick must have given him a map. went around the lake and back before the guy even arrived. Have to get my brother to post the photo of the sheriff's vehicle.
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