I'm off for a little road trip. Hitting Columbus for a few days, I'm going to hook up with some old friends, do a little shooting and then move on to Georgia. My grandaughter's class is having a "grandmother's tea" on Wednesday next week and I'm going to be there. Can't wait. (isn't she beautiful?) I'm bringing down a few of my mother's beautifully made smocked dresses for her to choose from. Don't know what I'll be wearing though..haven't packed yet. I'm staying a couple of weeks there and then will head to Cleveland to hang out with John and Pat. Can't wait!!! Will post from the road. I guess I'd better get moving and throw a few things in a bag!!!
September 12, 2009
On the road again.....
I'm off for a little road trip. Hitting Columbus for a few days, I'm going to hook up with some old friends, do a little shooting and then move on to Georgia. My grandaughter's class is having a "grandmother's tea" on Wednesday next week and I'm going to be there. Can't wait. (isn't she beautiful?) I'm bringing down a few of my mother's beautifully made smocked dresses for her to choose from. Don't know what I'll be wearing though..haven't packed yet. I'm staying a couple of weeks there and then will head to Cleveland to hang out with John and Pat. Can't wait!!! Will post from the road. I guess I'd better get moving and throw a few things in a bag!!!
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She is gorgeous! What a delight.
Have fun, Grandma!
(And don't forget about your readers here who like hearing from you!!)
Have a great time~
I would like to use this website as an announcement page since we didn't have an"OpenForum" at the annual meeting. If everyone would pick up garbage when they see it, This camp would look so much better. I saw a homes magazine out on the road past the signs and left it there to see if anyone would pick it up. After a 5 day vacation I was sorry to see it remained after that time period. No kidding. There is trash everywhere. Thank-you. Tom Harvey
Great idea Tom. I agree that this could be a great opportunity to share concerns, get some ideas for solutions and suggestions on what we can all do to make Lakeside better. We can be constructive here!!
I'm now in Georgia.. will post tomorrow! Nice time in Columbus...
How about driving more slowly?! George Heilbronn was almost killed by our illustrious 'president' last weekend according to my sources. David was driving so fast that George had to jump off his bike sideways to avoid being hit. There were two incidents last summer as well. SLOW DOWN!!!
I agree!! Slymie almost hit some one in the camp earlier this summer. Slow down is an understatement. Where do you havt to go that you have to drive so fast?
Next time that happens... confront the guy. Let him know that he needs to SLOW down and pay attention. We need to be more proactive in actually confronting the problems. In person. Head on!! TELL HIM. Before someone really gets hurt!!!
"We need to be more proactive in actually confronting the problems. In person. Head on!! TELL HIM. Before someone really gets hurt!!!"
Great comment, but you have to remember that is not the way in Lakeside these days. They want to bitch and bring it to the board and hide in the corner hoping that they will not be identified.
"I would like to use this website as an announcement page since we didn't have an"OpenForum" at the annual meeting"
Yes, we do have a spot on the agenda for concerns, it is listed as "new business" This is the time that ANY member can voice their concerns. If I remember the meeting, all I heard was crickets! I do agree this blog is a great way to state your concerns but you do have a voice at the Annual Meeting. Next year tuck your blouse in and stand up and state your concerns.
I never heard anything about new business or anything. I did hear Carol Beck telling david it was a good thing there wasn't an open forum or some things would have been brought up. Oh there will be things brought up believe me. What will they do kick us out for saying something? Or slymie might sue you for telling him something. Bullsquat. He's just a scumbag and needs to remember where he is.
"I never heard anything about new business or anything."
My only suggestion is it READ the agenda that is handed to everyone before the meeting. There is always a section "New Business" This is where you can state your concerns.
Yea, I have heard all these threats of voting board members off and "things will be brought up you just wait!" Just sounds like blowing in the wind. Again if you have a concern stand up and voice it, or just hide in the corner.
My only suggestion is it READ the agenda that is handed to everyone before the meeting. There is always a section "New Business" This is where you can state your concerns.
Oh it's read but There was never a point when "New Business" was asked by any board member. It was overlooked by david himself because he knew we or someone had something to say. I had something to say but never got the chance. All of a sudden it was over. I actually think it was carol beck that made the ist motion to end the meeting. Wow that was fast then congradulates david himself for not bringing up the open forum or new business.
I saw a homes magazine out on the road past the signs and left it there to see if anyone would pick it up.
Right on. I agree Tom there is trash everywhere and it's not up to Kris to handle that. We all have to look out for stuff like that and either do it yourself or tell someone like a board member. It only takes a second to handle this. With everyones help we can have a beautiful camp again. Please anyone else have any thing of this nature to improve our camp please step forward and say something. We can't solve problems if everyone keeps quite about it
David C. Slymons deliberately not allowing for an open forum at the Annual Meeting was absolutely disgusting. He is a nazi- and he is a coward.
He denied Lakesiders their once a year opportunity to speak at the annual confab. For that reason alone, he should have been impeached.
And who the hell is Carol Beck? Is that the maiden name of his old lady, Carol?
BUT- all blame does not rest on Slymie. Did any meeting attendees ask for an Open Forum?
If not- you guys are a bunch of pussies and deserve the president you have.
BUT- all blame does not rest on Slymie. Did any meeting attendees ask for an Open Forum?
There wasn't time it was over in seconds. I was shocked at how fast it was. As for the other choice words you used, Your an asshole
"BUT- all blame does not rest on Slymie. Did any meeting attendees ask for an Open Forum?"
Were you people at the Annual Meeting? Members were taking about various topics? There was plenty of time for ANYONE to stand up and bring up any topic. It just sounds like a lot of poor excuses.
All I heard for months on this blog was "Boy we are going to get Dave Symons" It was just spineless talk from a few people. The time came and they just got scared.
Next time you may want to send an Anonymous email to the board to get you point across. Maybe that will not be so scary for you.
the meeting is over and whatever happened, happened. We can't go back so there is always next year. Lets get over the fact that no one said anything.It's too bad but it happened. Slymie will get what's due to him during the course of this year. Does anyone know if he paid his transfer fee? Or does the playing prez need not to pay? Our camp needs the money and who's enforcing this? The board?
"Or does the playing prez need not to pay? Our camp needs the money and who's enforcing this? The board?"
Finance Committee. You should talk to Keith Newell he is looking into the transfer fee Bylaws.
"Does anyone know if he paid his transfer fee?"
This question has been posed to the Board many times, especially on this website. We know board members read this blog, as they have seen fit to comment numerous times.
Unfortunately, the Board continues to ignore this question. What happened to transparency? I think Lakesiders have a right to know. What do y'all think?
I think one can reasonably assume that dear President Slymie has "skirted" around his responsibility to pay his transfer fee, evidently with the full consent of the Board.
If he had paid it, the Board would have been only too happy to make that fact known.
This is not the world according to David C. Slymons. Lakersiders with something to say should have said it at the Annual Meeting. (by force if necessary)
Sure, Slymie is a real weasel for sneakily bypassing the open forum-- to avoid any discussion of his own trespasses against camp and his own family.
"I think one can reasonably assume that dear President Slymie has "skirted" around his responsibility to pay his transfer fee, evidently with the full consent of the Board.
If he had paid it, the Board would have been only too happy to make that fact known."
Why don't you send a formal letter to the board on this topic. Write the letter and send it to ANY board member and they will be force to disclose any information to you about the transfer fee. The board members are Dave Symons, Bill Lamb, MA Wiland, Matt Semeyn and George Heilbronn. Better yet you could get the answer from someone on the Finance Committee like Bob Cole or Keith Newell. You will have to type and sign the letter, so that would exclude most of you closet bitchers and the "I'm to scared to talk at the Annual Meeting people"
Take heart, Lakesiders! There's just as much BS going on at Pinewoods and Cottage Grove- only we don't have blogs to vent!!
"Take heart, Lakesiders! There's just as much BS going on at Pinewoods and Cottage Grove- only we don't have blogs to vent!!"
Lucky you! You mean you people don't air ALL your dirty laundry on a blog for all to read?
I agree with the last post. The idea of this blog is innocent but it really has turned to be nasty. Using crude language and putting people down for things besides their actions is what gives this blog a bad rap.
Be proactive in your posting, instead of disrespectful.
"I agree with the last post. The idea of this blog is innocent but it really has turned to be nasty. Using crude language and putting people down for things besides their actions is what gives this blog a bad rap.
Be proactive in your posting, instead of disrespectful."
Very well spoken. I agree 100percent. This blog has turned into just a bunch of people bashing other people. Let's try to get along and remember the reason for this blog in the first place. This has been an eye opening lesson for alot of people and we should ALL try to be civil. Who knows our generations to come will sit down beside a nice hot fire at the lake and read what their parents and grandparents have written. It's about time to act like the adults we are.
For the most part- I do find this blog very civil. Emotions may flare now and again, but it's been healthy and cathartic.
I'm a Cottage Grover, and actually wish we had a forum like this!
Kudos to the blogmasters. It's obvious you have a lot of readers, or posts wouldn't routinely attract comments in the double digits.
Nite all!
Also, the only people who have ever been bashed on here are Dave Symons, and various lawyers and judges from Saginaw. (and with good reason)
So please don't exaggerate.
Regarding "airing dirty laundry" David Slymons made the choice to do that a long time ago with his court case. Case closed.
"Case closed."
Nice ending but this blog should be used for helping other families avoid this tragedy from happening to them. NOT for name calling, making threats and dragging innocent people into this ON GOING family feud.
As you stated "Case closed" so focus on Lakeside and helping others, not the juvenile name calling
If we learned any thing from this blog, read what Matt Seymeyn wrote. He summoned it up in just a short note. We are all to blame if there is any blame. We shouldn't bash other people for anything. (Except Slymie)This whole thing started with a dirty old man doing unnessary things to his beautiful sister. David should be the only person that needs to be discarded from Lakeside. What he did is just sick, and he thinks that it will pass after he dies. No one likes anybody in his family except maybe Janet. She is the only one that would NOT put up with this sort of drama. So lets get back to the blog at hand and quit bashing other people.
"So lets get back to the blog at hand and quit bashing other people."
I agree but your ENTIRE comment was bashing people. As you have seen from Joey latest comments, they are informing people of exactly what happened to them. They are not bashing on this blog, they are informing families how to avoid this potential problem. Stop with the name calling and focus on what is best for Lakeside.
"As you stated "Case closed" so focus on Lakeside and helping others, not the juvenile name calling"
Oh c'mon! I meant kitty cat. Lighted up.
Transfer Fee
This blog is NOT an ask the board forum, especially from people who are anonymous… anybody who really cares about Lakeside should come forward and state your name and address your issues to the board or even better, to the people that you have a beef with. I really think that this blog, while good intentioned it may be, has gotten way off track. Freedom of speech is what is country was founded on so far be it from me to tell you how you should behave, but maybe like adults would be a good start. We talk about how the younger generations have lost sight of manners – look at the examples in this blog that they are following….. “hello kettle… your black!” said the pot.
Just for clarification purposes for those who were not at the annual meeting, or did not grasp the totality of what was being addressed, here is a summary. The board looked into the issues of addressing the transfer fee. David Symons, based on the strictest of legal interpretation of the bylaws, would owe a transfer fee. Now, while the board was researching this issue, it became apparent, that many of you who may be commenting on this blog and calling for David’s blood, may also owe a transfer fee – AGAIN – by the strictest of definitions of the bylaws. The board asked the finance committee for assistance in bringing this matter to a resolution. Keith Newell is presently taking the lead on this issue and we should have some clarity prior to the next annual meeting.
Why would many of you owe a transfer fee? Anybody who transferred the ownership of their cottage into a family trust, LLC or other entity, for estate planning or protection of the family cottage as the book suggests, would currently owe a transfer fee by definition of the bylaw itself. For Example: the Semeyn Cottage. Currently the Semeyn cottage is owned by the Mark W. Semeyn trust. When this transfer took place from Mark W Semeyn to the Mark W Semeyn Trust to avoid probate, by the strictest definition of the bylaw, it should have triggered a transfer tax. As the board and finance committee started to review, we found that half or more of the cottages in Lakeside are in direct conflict with the bylaw based on this definition. The bylaws were in place before these estate planning techniques were established, but I would argue, both are trying to accomplish the same thing, protect the owner and the association.
This issue is far greater than just Dave Symons and until the finance committee returns to the board and ultimately to the membership, the board is not pursing the collection of such transfer fees at this time.
My email address is msemeyn@gmail.com. If anybody has issues or questions, please bring them to me. I don’t confess to have all the answers, but I will certainly do my best to find them out for you. If any of you wish to be on the board, I can assure you that it is a thankless job which ultimately does take away the ability to come up and enjoy Lakeside in the same manner that one has been accustomed to. I certainly didn’t seek out this position, but am serving as a way to giveback to a place that has given me so much. If our job is done well, then nobody really knows what we did or how we did it. They come into camp year after year and everything looks the same as it always has. Lakeside is timeless which to me as a third generation Lakesider means something. I believe that is why this blog was started in the first place, to help educate people on how to protect themselves from losing out on something so wonderful. Anyone who has read this blog gets the fact that people don’t like Dave Symons. While I don’t begrudge anyone those feelings, I don’t know how the constant bashing is helping anyone move forward or the camp heal from this whole ordeal.
So this is my last post – if anyone wants to talk – you have my email address.
Matt, thanks for the straight forward explanation on the transfer fee issue. Yes, board members do read this blog from time to time but WE(the board) will not answer comments on this blog without direct contact. As a board member, I really don't like answering questions from a comment signed "Anonymous"
If you have any questions for me my phone number is in the green book and my email is:
As Joey stated before on this blog, this board position is a "thankless job" and for me sometimes very frustrating position. I was ask to commit 10 years to be a board member and represent Lakeside. I take my position very seriously and I object to some comments on this blog that the board is doing something corrupt. I can assure you that we ARE NOT. This board is run by FIVE members not ONE, inferring to some of these comments left by again, "Anonymous" May I give one suggestion to you all, sign your name to the comments, The Lee family does and so does your board.
Looking forward to your questions
Good post, Matt.
However, seems to me a simple question of who is controlling the trusts or LLC's that cottages may have been transfered to.
If the controlling interests of a trust, for example, are folks that would not trigger a transfer fee per the bylaws, then there would be no transfer fee.
If a cottage is transfered to other legal entities (trust, LLC, etc.) controlled by folks who would be required to pay a transfer fee per the bylaws- then a transfer fee would be due.
Just doesn't seem that complicated.
Wonder why it's gonna take until the Annual Meeting next year to figure this all out?
"If a cottage is transfered to other legal entities (trust, LLC, etc.) controlled by folks who would be required to pay a transfer fee per the bylaws- then a transfer fee would be due."
Yes! Exactly right. The bylaws are like our "constitution," and sometimes it must be "interpreted" for modern times- while still honoring the spirit and intentions of the original document.
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