Our last night at Higgins was a beaut. Crisp, clear and with a bright moon shining, I went out to sit on the porch. I heard the coyotes. First time ever. What a thrill. First came the call. One lone female I presume howled. Soon another answered and not even a minute later they were all kicking up their heels and you could just picture a circle of them dancing in the woods. It was an awesome sound. I then heard a bark and a whistle. I think perhaps Kris was calling in the dog and then everything went silent. By the time I'd gotten mother out to hear them, the symphony had ended. God I was happy to have heard them. They didn't sound very far away at all. What an end to a lovely summer.
It's always a bit sad to leave at the end of summer but without doing that, you don't get the joy of coming back. I can't wait until next summer. It's still one of the most beautiful places ever.
I'm glad you guys had a great time up there and will be back next year and so on.
Great post! Romantic. Yearnful.
Loved it.
Now back to the case! Get your cottage back-- or at least make Slymie pay the difference between its true value- and the amount he screwed it away from you for.
You know- the real estate alone owned by the Assoc. is likely worth 1MIL. The Dining Hall~ and all its contents- Easy 500K. Not to mention the dormitories, Kris's residence, etc. Why was this real estate not factored into SEV???
Inquiring Slyme Buckets DON"T want you to know!
Getting the cottage back is not an option, nor a desire at this moment. An appeal has not been ruled out, however David's attorney needs to file the paperwork to finalize this and he has not. We can only imagine the reason for the delay.
A while back I addressed the issue of camp value as it relates to the overall value of a cottage. We provided a very detailed letter explaining that to the appraiser and to the facilitator. The plaintiff choose not to make that information available in his determination of value. He created his own letter which highlighted the cottage as being landlocked, rodent infested, and near collapse.
In December of 2006 the state value of camp property was valued at $17,191.600 and the transfer fee of 1/10 of 1% would have placed it at $17,191.00 I have no current numbers for 2009.
Here is where the transfer fee comes into play as a way of trnasfering ownership interest from one owner to another. In this case, clearly the portion of the by-laws that allowed for exemptions did not pertain as the ownership did not transfer from sibling to sibing or parent to child.
We can only assume that the transfer fee has been paid, and the camps coffers have benefited.
maybe it was slymie back in the woods crying. He probably didn't count on you guys spending the whole summer at Lakeside.
Well he better get used to it because we have no intention of leaving that beautiful place with those wonderful people we have known and loved all our lives.
Once a Lakesider, always a Lakesider.
except in slymie's case. He didn't want to be a Lakesider since he wanted to sell your cottage and become an ex-Lakesider. Kind of like the dining hall, once you leave you can't go back in.As far as I'm concerned he left.
Slymie wanted to sell the old cottage? Thought he only just wanted it for himself?
Hope they put some reinforced floor planking down-- he and Carol have gotten rather large of late.
Their guilt is being expressed by overeating. Shame.
I also bet he never counted on the Lees continuing to be regulars at Lakeside.
He thought he was good and done with them.
Au Contraire!
Long LIve the Lees of Lakeside!!!
Speaking of eating shouldn't he and carol be paying for four since They are eating enough for four. I mean I could never eat that much even going back for seconds. They need to be double billed. Maybe that would give them incentive to start walking. Wait Walking? It's waaaaay to late for that. With winter coming and all.
that last post is true. He should be charged extra. Maybe they should have a scale when you go through the door.
C'mon now. David Slymons is not the only fat ass eating at Lakeside Dining Hall!
now now lets be nice. We all like everyone else except slymie
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