I am so very happy for those who hung in there to have this last great weekend of the summer. What beautiful weather! After an illusive bit of summer days, it's great to get a good Labor Day weekend. It's always a bit sad though knowing that the boats get pulled, the docks will come out soon and the last sounds of the dining hall bell are a distant memory. The dogs are roaming free!!!
I had a great summer. It was interesting to see the place from a couple of different vantage points and from the perspective of a "renter". Actually, can't say I have much perspective there, maybe in time, but it feels the same as it always did. Once a Lakesider, always a Lakesider. I do think our just being there surprised one family on more than a few occassions. Did they really think we'd just go away??? Hmm.
Observations- For one, I thought the Dining Hall did a great job. I've been there in good years and in bad years and for the money... this was a good year. I am certain that if you ate every one of your meals at some local restaurant you'd be complaining after a couple of weeks about the same old thing. Get over it.
My grandmother had a saying; "By mid-August nobody is speaking to anyone and it's time to go home". She was right. Or, at least partly right. It's a long time if you are there most of the summer for everyone to get along all the time. Now, it isn't everyone. It's a few people and it happens almost every year. There are some people who just wouldn't be happy in heaven. Stay home.
The same debate regarding renters is still going on. Some things will never change. The problem isn't so tricky if people would be willing to open their mouth up, go tell the offending party to knock it off, or..politely and specifically tell them "this is not the way we do things"... no, everyone has to huddle, bitch, send a note or drop a suggestion. I know there have been a few tough cases... still.. what is everyone afraid of? Offending an offending renter???? Please. Don't start making more "rules", start educating those who "don't know the way" in a very straightforward way. In other words, don't beat around the bush.
The Board. Well, it's obvious to just about everyone that the leadership is.. well..absent. The board members outside of the prez have been working their butts off and doing the best they can under really rotten circumstances. Someday perhaps the camp will select candidates based on skill sets as opposed to which family hasn't had a "turn" on the board. It's a long term, a reasonably sticky mess usually and the camp needs solid leadership. The pool of fresh blood is VERY limited, without doubt. However, it isn't a popularity contest to begin with and most are dedicated to protecting and preserving Lakeside. Not fluffing up their egos. We should be grateful to have those members of the board who are doing it for all the right reasons. Support them.
Finally, what happened to respect and consideration for others? What happened to basic manners? My generation of boomers did manage to have some fun out there but we still were taught manners. My grandmother made us stand in a closet if we wanted to chew gum. We also popped up and down like bobbers on the lake when someone of "age" came to the table. I still see some of the young ones doing that. I should say, maybe like one or two tables of young ones whose parents have taken this seriously. Kudos to them. What I saw as more obvious this summer is the lack in general of good manners. And, it was NOT the kids behaving badly. Ok, so.. maybe it's my grandmother's philosophy about "too much time and nothing better to do" by mid-August but what I saw was mid-July. One woman behaving badly.. but then... she always has. She stopped speaking to us then. Oh well. (our gain?)
All in all... it's always been the best place to learn how to show respect, use your table manners and practice them. My kids are forever grateful that they know how to behave in any situation and can converse with and feel comfortable with all sorts of people of all ages. They recognize bad behavior from a mile away. I'm not patting myself on the back.. I did my job, it's part of the culture and it's a great training ground. Perhaps we need to revisit this later.
Times are changing, old ways are starting to shift, and it makes me a bit sad to see some of the very good ways start to fall off. It's too beautiful there to let too many things go. For most of the camp, Lakeside was a gift handed down from their ancestors. For that reason alone, show a little respect.
I'm sure I'll have a few more observations to share......safe journey.
As a board member now for more than 5 years it is very nice to hear kind words towards individual board members. It is a very difficult job and I do take my position very seriously. There will always be bumps in the road but we all must focus on what is best for Lakeside.
I think your comments were very much on point. I wish that more members of Lakeside had your insight.
Thanks again for the support
Wonderful observations. Joey, you're a beautiful writer. Curious- what seems to be the main complaint about renters?
PS: Also nice to see the dining hall lauded. That is certainly no easy job- serving people all summer long and tolerating rudeness of some in our midst.
Look forward to your further observations.
Also- I believe manners are in general decline everywhere- regretably.
I love Lakeside because you see the entire circle of life there. It used to be a more genteel place- where even youth had impeccable manners.
The uncivilised behavior of some of the youth of today is really lamentable.
Gorgeous photo! Who's cottage does that little covered porch with a view belong to?
Would like to hear more on your experiences as a renter.
And too bad if the Slymons family hoped you'd never return after they stole your cottage. They're stuck with a lemon-- you have the freedom to rent anywhere. Much better!
Bill, you are the epitomy of "good". You've done an outstanding job. It is a tough one and I think people don't really appreciate the complexity of running an association like this. I've been on many boards. The Camp is no small deal. As a board member you commit 10 years and it's a rather thankless job. We need good and smart folks on that board. I know it's been a difficult year and I wish everyone could appreciate just what all is required. There will always be bumps along the road but keeping the camp safe and sound is a big job. Thank you.
As for the renting situation.. There have been large groups who just don't "feel" the camp ways. It would be different if they were renting a condo or cottage in an environment of other random folks. So much of the camp is the "culture" and is learned over many generations. It isn't better, or right..it just is what it is. It is also a situation that will become more and more common as we move through the years. Things change. It isn't always renters these days either that just don't "get it".
Most of us were taught by our great-grandparents, grandparents and parents the way to behave. Whether it was in the dining hall or a cocktail party, certain behaviors were expected. Are the parents of our young ones carrying on with this tradition? Not so much. Room for improvement.
The Dining Hall did an outstanding job. I spent at least half the summer there and I was pleased to see good service, friendly service and good food. I hope everyone said "thanks" for a job done well.
The pavillion in the picture was taken at the Hollands. Isn't it beautiful?
Again, thank you to all of you who dedicate your time and talent to making Lakeside great. From Kris, to Char to the rest of the board, thank you for another good season.
PS. I have plenty more to share....:)
I guess it would be really hard for a renter (or new owner) to fit in with people who have summered together in the same tiny camp for generations. How would one know the unwritten mores if no none told them?
Then again, even an old timer, your Uncle Slymie- seemed to breach all accepted camp protocol with this atrocious behavior.
Well said, Mom.
I completely agree with everything that was said about how manners are on a steady decline with each new generation. I'm 26 - I can already see a huge difference in the way my peers raise their children and in how my mother raised my sister and I, just as I'm sure my mother could have said the same thing about her peers vs. her mother, and so on.
And as for people "getting it," I think that's just something that someone is born with. If they enjoy their surroundings the first time they go up to Higgins and get along with everyone, then they're IN - and if they don't, they just don't and probably never will. It can't be forced.
But reallllllly great blog, Mom. I'm glad you wrote it!
These comments about renters and newbies are rather nebulous.
What are some specific examples of the behaviors of the folks who are not "getting it?"
Examples of how we don't do things...children running through the dining hall, grabbing food and putting it back..somewhere..screaming children who are indulged..rude behavior to dining hall staff..(goes for some others who are not renters)...leaving a bonfire burning and going to bed without putting it out...rude behavior to other "campers"..I guess just inconsiderate behavior sums it up.
Yes, it would be most difficult to fit in to long held mores and traditions. Consideration and respect towards others is NOT exclusive. Most of the renters if not all have family ties to Lakeside. It really is more about the erosion of basic manners than "renters". It's easier to point a finger at someone else. There are those among us..raised up in the old traditions that either never "got it".. or lost it somewhere along the way. Need more?
That is very clear. Thanks, Joey.
It always cracks me up that we refer to ourselves as "campers" when our Lakeside existence is far from camping!
This blog sure attracts a lot of comments! That is a sign of a good, entertaining blog.
Congrats all!
Hear, hear, Joey! Very well said.
I believe if someone wants to rent in lakeside they should first read the lakeside book. No one can actually learn the history of lakeside without reading that first.
Good idea Earl. Renters have actually increased in all three camps this summer- as some regulars find the rental income necessary in this down economy.
"Renters have actually increased in all three camps this summer- as some regulars find the rental income necessary in this down economy".
This statement is very true. But it is up to the OWNER of the "rental cottage" to oversee their renters. It is NOT the members or the Board to correct their objectionable behavior. This clearly falls on the owners of the rental cottage. The OWNERS are the ones collecting the large rental fees while the renters are not conforming to our rules. This is actually why the Lakeside Board is forming a "Rental Committee" to look into rules to oversee future rental issues.
Right on. It is NOT the board's responsibility to "police" behavior. If a cottage owner wishes to rent then they better step up and take responsibility. Problem is, it's not just the renters and it isn't all the renters. A few bad eggs. I've thought a helpful "guide" to enjoying Lakeside might be helpful to ALL cottages...hmmm..I'll start writing one!
Another right on
A welcome to Lakeside Renters Rules Booklet.
If they don't abide by the rules, we have a nice shady spot picked out at the north state park. This way they have no excuse.
Hard copy or soft.
On another note I too would like to say thank-you to all the board members. I know what a difficult task it is.
Earl, as a member of the board, do you happen to know if the Symons family has paid the Lakeside transfer fee- related to their buy out of the old cottage from their former relatives with the wife and inlaws now owning 2/3 of the cottage?
Thanks for the info!
Question Joey- One would assume that you crossed paths up their from time to time with your Uncle Slymie, Aunt Carol and cousins.
What was their attitude like towards you guys?
Where they civil? Did they greet you in passing, or just ignore you?
Bet they were sure surprised to see you all up the Lakeside so much this summer!
Now we don't want to be known as a snobatorium- but we definitely need to make renters aware of camp rules and etiquette. Love the idea of a renter's guidebook.
As for the "guide" to enjoying Lakeside.. I think it's something that EVERY cottage needs. There are some newer folks..(at least during my generation) and there are some old timers that seem to forget a bit..
Yes, we crossed paths with the Symons. Many times. They do not speak to us. We've always been polite, we will say hello and "gee, nice weather" etc..but.. It used to be just David. Then Carol must have been given instructions after the WHO party of 2 years ago. The others? Rick will speak to anyone and has always been pleasant. Scott, gee..let's see? Does anyone want to talk to Scott? And, now Janet. My mother said hello and she didn't speak. Yeah..it's interesting. Normally not a problem since they don't really socialize anyway, but we were at a party in the same room recently and it's just plain weird. They seem to have a few problems. We just enjoy ourselves.
What happened at the WHO party 2 years ago?
Rick sounds like the only non-assholish one in the Slymons clan.
"...it is up to the OWNER of the 'rental cottage' to oversee their renters."
The only problem I can see is that the actual owners aren't normally present in camp while they are renting out their cottage. And, with knowing how a lot of the people in Lakeside are when it comes to confrontations, how likely do you think it would be for the owner to actually find out about whatever nonsense is going on while they aren't there?
A guidebook would be a great idea, as would making it mandatory to read the Lakeside book if you are planning renting or taking over a share of a cottage (...Radke trust). Although, I have recently read the Lakeside book and I felt that it was pretty thorough in covering what everyone should already know. Maybe the next time someone acts up in camp, someone else can anonymously leave a Lakeside book on their doorstep as a message to shape up. lol
Isn't the Lakeside book more of a historical tome?
Does it really impart a code of conduct?
Yeah, Lakesiders are total lily-livers when it comes to confrontation.
Witnesseth the Slymons debacle. Bet not one person in this camp (save maybe his own family) has ever said one word to him regarding the cottage fiasco.
Hey, at least we don't have a lot of real problems like people doing drugs, swinging, gambling, thievery etc. (except the thievery of the Lee cottage)
Are a few rowdy children around camp really so bad?
Is it really gonna kill anyone if the remaining embers of a bonfire are allowed to burn themselves out?
"Is it really gonna kill anyone if the remaining embers of a bonfire are allowed to burn themselves out?"
Who are you, anonymous, and are you kidding??? All it takes is one spark of an 'ember' to float over to a 100+ year old wooden cottage. Wood that's been 'seasoned' for that long would go up in seconds.
"The only problem I can see is that the actual owners aren't normally present in camp while they are renting out their cottage. And, with knowing how a lot of the people in Lakeside are when it comes to confrontations, how likely do you think it would be for the owner to actually find out about whatever nonsense is going on while they aren't there?"
First the OWNER will need to have the renters read and sign the "rental rules" that will be updated. When there is a rule violation we call the OWNER right then so they can talk to the renter. We would need a phone number to call 24hours/day. Again it is not the board to 'police" then renters, it is the responsibility of the OWNER. When the owner is called numerous times, they will hopefully not have the offending family back again.
As for fires, renters have left roaring fires going not embers! Can you imagine if a fire took off in Lakeside? With the cottages so close to each other we would lose many cottages.
Don't give the arsonists any ideas!
" we don't have real problems like drugs, swinging, gambling, thievery..."
We don't?
Bonfire safety would be the number one rule for renters.
Look what happened to molly's cottage, by the time the power went out and we got to the grove it was leveled and the cottage next door the sap was seeping out of 100+ year old wood. Hose it down and turn the embers.
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