Salute, pledge, something! Anything! Pretend to be a proud American, creep.
The teleprompter is saluting. Look, it is.

This is quite the contrast from Obama in Russia during the playing of the Russian National Anthem

American flag, nope, Russian flag, yup WTF?
President Obama would not be required to salute, for many reasons. For one, only military wearing hats salute. For complete protocol, just Google it.
Notice the other gentleman not in uniform is not saluting either.
Historically, The Commander in Chief is not required to ever salute anyone. President Reagan changed this a bit when he began returning salutes from military brass while getting off planes, etc. Most presidents since then have continued that tradition- though it is far from requirement.
Your disrespect to the Office of the President of the United States is unpatriotic, at the very least-- and probably rooted in other causes.
Hail to the Chief!
Who's unpatriotic?
Oh I respect the office of the president, I don't respect him.
And here is why I don't respect him, he does not respect this country.
Sorry, I can't get worked about Obama dissing the flag, pledge of allegiance, American patriotism, and the rest. Seriously, is it really shocking at this point to see him act like a unpatriotic douchbag?
No, I didn't think so...
What would be shocking is if Obama had an epiphany that what he had been doing domestically, diplomatically, economically, and military is catastrophically bad for the US and world and started doing responsible things like balancing the budget, fighing Islamic terror, demanding real transparency in government, etc.
As much as naive fools like John McCain tried to downplay Obama's connections to Rev. Wrong, Bill Ayers, and the dozens of other, many of the people who voted for McCain, (In reality, like me they really voted for Gov. Sarah Palin because we knew McCain was a fool)knew what Obama really was- a dangerous combination of leftist ideology, Islam, moral relativism, Chicago political thuggery, and inexperience. We all knew that with Obama in office it would almost for certain be a rough four years.
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