Harry Reid, and the Blobfish. One is a spineless invertebrate, living in the cold dark depths, not exposed to sunlight, under immense pressure, blind and wallowing in the muddy, slimy, near-lifeless bottom of the sea. The other is a fish. Anyway - We report, You decide. Hat tip to IMAO.

If you knew the true ancestry of the Bush family-- you would absolutely shit. Did you know that Prescott Bush, grandfather to boy President Bush you so admire- bankrolled Hitler and the Nazi's through the Union Banking Corp?
Wow you do seem obsesed with our former president. You need to move forward. Oh, so it's ok to be held accountable for the actions of our grandparents?
I'm obsessed with our former president? Hmmm. A cursory glance through your blog reveals that you are actually quite obsessed with him.
But typical of you to dodge the issue of ole' Granddaddy Bush financing the Nazi's. In fact- that's how the Bush family fortune was made.
Oh and yes-- when one is installed into power because of their "bloodline"- the behavior of that individual's ancestors merits investigation.
The Bush legacy is old news, and I am guessing because I wont waste my time to go back and count, but I suspect there is one reference to Bush this year. You on the other hand have an obsession with WMD and Bush. When it was the party of the Donkey who first decided that WMD and Iraq belonged in the same sentence.
Like I said, time to move and concern ourselfs with how this current administration is quicky trying to turn us into a bananna republic.
But I do think there is a strong reseblence between Reid and that blow fish, don't you?
Wow, and I thought he was elected twice by the people, not installed.
"When it was the party of the Donkey who first decided that WMD and Iraq belonged in the same sentence. "
Deciding that WMD and Iraq belong in the same sentence, if in fact they did-- is not quite the same thing as lying to the American public about it as an excuse to go into a war that killed hundreds of thousands of innocents.
You're right though- that the plan to invade Iraq was established long before Bushie 2 was installed into the presidency by the supreme court. They just needed to create a modern version of Pearl Harbor to sell it to the American Public-- and hence the fraud known as 9/11 was perpetrated on America.
So we finally see your true colors, the kool aid drinking truther you are.
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