Fast forward to yesterday, my wife is home recovering from the flu, so I stopped in to see how she was doing, and as usual she was watching Home and Garden TV, the segment involved among other things, a freshly painted Red front door.
My curiosity got the best of me so I started looking into this and found out some interesting ideas, so without further ado here is what I discovered about Red Doors:
In China, it's a tradition to paint the front door red before the new year, to invite good luck and happiness......interesting, that didn't work too well
In Catholicism, the red door on a chapel symbolized the blood of Christ, and other martyrs, to signify that the ground beyond the door (inside the Church) was holy, and a sanctuary from physical and spiritual evils....ok, still not working
In Ireland, front doors are painted red to ward-off ghosts and evil spirits......perhaps to work, the door needs to stay red for longer than 48 hours
In Feng Shui a red door is usually a recipe for prosperity...could be
In Colonial times, it symbolized that the home and it's owners were be the judge
I have also heard that a red front door means the mortgage is paid off- making a red front door more of a status symbol rather than a spiritual or friendly sign.....naaa, not any more
I have come to think that any one of these could very well be a good reason for painting your front door red, imagine how different things might have been if David hadn't run out the next day, hired someone to repaint it green, and never decided to file a partition suit. Food for thought...
Here are some examples to savor....

GREAT post!
In your case, my guess is that the Red Door symbolized the red blanket the matadors use in Spain to tease the bulls!
Sr. Slymons reacted with all the rage and hostility of the taunted bull during a Spanish bull fight.
And then, the bull (shit) started in full force!
Slymie does resemble a bull and probably weighs just as much! He he.
Red is soft and clean. Unlike slymie. No wonder he hated the color. In fact it didn't matter what color you made it he wasn't liking any color you painted. You could have painted it the same color and he still would have had a fit.
Did they ask the other owners before they painted it?
When Katy and I decided to paint the front door, it was because the paint had peeled down to the wood and had been that way for quite some time. Red was always the favored choice. We had discussed it for a number of years. The weekend that we painted, Stu and Kathy were there. We asked them what they thought and knowing how mother felt about it, we went ahead with the painting. Seeing red is right. David was sitting at Morley's out front at a meeting and his face just kept getting redder and redder. It was like waving a flag in front of a bull.
The door needed painting. It was like everything else. If it was our idea, or mother's... David was against it. He did not consider any of the others, just went ahead a did whatever he wanted. That was the way things had been going for years. If it needed fixing, he refused.
Kind of like his house in saginaw, needs fixing.
Is this the end of the red door yet? sure seems off track. I know you can't say to much more after slymie stole the cottage and the aftermath. Too bad.
Yet? are you thinking it is time to close it down?
I did this post after realizing the irony I found in the different meanings of a Red Door, and how they compared to our situation and the players involved.
This will go on.
I didn't say it should be over it's just that this blog is getting off target alot. Kepp it going but stay on track. or close to it
Of course this will go on, however keep in mind we have discussed pretty much all that can be said about what happened to us and how others can take lessons from our experience. Without heaping further discorse or kicking a dead horse if you will on certain people I am at a loss as to what new news we can come up with.
I am always open to suggestions and if you feel there is something worthwhile and newsworthy, please share it.
I would like to take a moment and give you all an update on the Dining Hall. We have removed the old walk-in cooler and have prepared a foundation for the new walk-in. The new cooler is being delivered this week and then all the new construction around the cooler starts. This is a great improvement to the kitchen.
I would like to thank the Lee family and others for their support and help during the auction which raised in over $9000 dollars that went directly towards the purchase of the walk-in.
As a board member, it was nice to see Lakesiders work as a "family" towards a greatly needed piece of equipment. For those who missed the auction, it was the highlight of the summer!
Thanks again
Bill: Thank you for the update and for all you do!! Can't wait to see this new addition to the dining hall...
That means we will have iced cold beer on tap all summer dosent it?
I would also like to thank Bill for all his hard work on the board.The new walk-in freezer is going to be a good thing with more room in the kitchen. Also Thanks to Kris for all his hard work. All this work is very much appreciated...
I recently was at Lakeside and noticed Char, Kris and many others on the freezer project behind the dining hall. My heart soared.. The place seems to be returning to normal and all the workmanship that
a true "family " means were at work with love and kindness of most of our proud local campers. Kudo's to all who helped with this project.Can't wait to see it completed.Congrats!!!
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