The previous post was a list of "activity" for the lawsuit that David filed against mother and Katy. If it isn't enough reason to start talking with your family, I don't know what is. It isn't just the list. It's the emotional turmoil the family goes through. It's the cost. It's the end of the "family" and nothing will survive that.
It was interesting this summer when we tried to take a photo or two of the old cottage. None of our pictures came out. It wasn't just me but many of the rest of us. What came through was a "dead" cottage. Flat, without light, without life, dead. It's like the soul of the place was gone. I sure hope that something comes back over there. Did anyone else notice this??? Just a dark, flat, empty sort of feel? Plan folks. Start talking....
Since the verdict went in favor of the Symons family it has scared a lot of Lakesiders. With the current economic times, increasing property taxes/dues it has become increasingly difficult for some cottages in Lakeside just to get by. When you have multiple owners, all it will take is one fractional owner to want a "buy-out" from the others, forcing them into deeper financial troubles. Which will result in a forced sale or lawsuits. Just because these cottages have been in the family for generations, they are NOT immune to todays current problems. Since it seems everyone loses in the lawsuits, with exception of the lawyers, I believe you will see much more family feuds resulting in forced sales of cottages.
Sad but very true. Good comment.
It's funny that you said that about your cottage being 'dead'. Everytime I walked by, I felt the same way. The soul is gone.
It was odd. My sister needed a picture of the front door for a piece of jewelry she was making. We all went over and tried to get a picture. They were all very dark and flat. Each of us came up with the same look. Weird. Very Weird.
weird is not the word. Dead with UGLY furniture is more like it
what a piece of crap of a website. Thanks for making lakeside into a laughing stock. It would better to take this site off
To my anonymous "friend" this is a BLOG not a website.
But thank you for reading it, I enjoy all comments.
'scuze me, but I don't really think it was this blog that made Lakeside a laughing stock. It was David Symons, with help from his children.
For a place with so much history and friends alike, I'm sure not going to let some jerk ruin my life enjoyment here. Lakeside and it's beauty and history will forever be carved in stone. We have true friends here and only one family wants to try to be friends with everyone. Well if you screw one family you screw with the rest of us. You make your own bed and you can't just screw people and expect them to forget. Nice try though.
Wow somebody didn't eat their bran muffin for breakfast
Really ole slimeball is whacked out if he thinks he can make friends for what he did to lakeside and the people that live there. He's just making a fool of himself and so are his whacked out kids. I haven't said a word to him since this whole thing happened. Do I feel bad about it? Hell no. He's just a scum on this earth. I would be embarrassed to set foot in Lakeside after what he did.
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