August 30, 2009

The long awaited pictures.....

The came, they ate and left. For those of you who read the blog, here is the David. He's the one eating. The other picture shows his wife and daughter and then, the parting shots as they headed off to dinner. Nice. I think I captured the essence here.


Anonymous said...

He even looks like a total jerk!!!!

Anonymous said...

That's just like the david we all know, eat all you can then split the party. I'm sure he didn't thank the Huntingtons when he left, for a nice party.
He doesn't show for anything else but when there is food involved he'll go. What a scumbag

Anonymous said...

Hubba Bubba. You're not kidding! Just can't keep his fingers out of the food, can he?

Anonymous said...

Was it awkward for you guys to be at the same party with him? Do y'all just ignore eachother?

His energy (yes, one can read energy from photos) is really bad. Major f#@ked up.

Anonymous said...

He's pretty moosified-- that's for sure. Big Daddy.

Anonymous said...

So that's the Slyme- Doggie we've all heard so much about!!!!

Thanks for the photos dear ones.

Think of the silver lining in escaping your tenancy in common with that troll.

Anonymous said...

Look at David-- perched right by the meatballs. There's such a huge bulge beneath his belt-- and that ain't from the joy stick, honey!

Anonymous said...

I swear those are the same clothes he wore last week at the ball park..........are those meatballs stuffed under his belt?......

Anonymous said...

What a waste. The old church cottage had that beautiful old smell of years and years of decent living and now it smells like meatballs and B.O.Hope the rest of his family can take the smell. YUCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Church cottage?
I assume since the slymons took an unhealthy way of preserving the old girl it goes back to the name church. Now if the Lee's/Jenkins had it, it would be called just that since they knew how to win friends and take care of the old girl. I hope to hell you give slymie a run for his money or what's left of it.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed this summer the lower than normal number of campers using the dining hall, I am guessing the count is down from years past.

However,I am sure the camp is benefiting from the transfer fee that David had to pay according to the by-laws. I noticed nothing was said at the annual meeting, nor it appeared was there an opportunity to bring it up.

An oversight I am guessing?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!! He looks bigger every time I see him! Wow... And that was Carol? Dear lord.

Anonymous said...

Hey.. if you click on the gets really big. Not life size big...but big enough. Nice lookin folks!

Anonymous said...

Yeah if you click on the picture it get discusting with dave and carols big bulges hanging out over your desk. That's a pleasant thing to look at so early in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Isn't funny how slymie shows up when there's food not any other function when there isn't food. Then he stuffs his face and leaves. Maybe he eats all he can then regurgitates(SP?) it for his kids back at the slyme hole

Anonymous said...

he may be binging but he sure ain't purging! that food is all his. no sharing there!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? He climbs into the dumpster behind the dining hall very late at night and eats left over scraps~ such is his insatiable appetite for food.

Anonymous said...

Eeek. What a cretin. The other guests appear uncomfortable in their midst.

Anonymous said...

That salmon color shirt really does nothing for Slymie's skin tone.

And Carol's hairstyle is so weird! Is that a Saginaw look or something?

Anonymous said...

My goodness! Those pants look like they're about to pop any minute!

Anonymous said...

The hairstyle is all Carol! I've never seen anyone anywhere who would wear their hair like that. It's quite the look!! Yeah.. she needs to just break down and buy a new pair of pants. Or, keep eating and wear David's.

Anonymous said...

she needs to pull her pants out of her ass crack. That's soooo gross