May 15, 2009

Coming up, the dumbing down of the cottage.....

Or, rodents, peeling paint, land locked and boundary challenged, but worry not, because you can't use it in the winter anyway!

Since photos were not allowed in that first meeting at the facilitators, we were forced to rely on a court appointed sketch artist to provide reasonable renditions of the 7th grade history presentation that David's counsel put together.

Stay tuned......


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for that one...had the sketch artist even seen what the grande old dame looked like..or had any idea of the history and sentiment that goes along with the almost have to smell it
and walk the soft pine coned trails
overlooking the "land locked pile of poo" that David made it sound like...and yes his children knew all about everything...yet they stepped in front of the bus too...none of them fell far from the tree and were often caught snooping from the woods to keep track of who came and went.....

Anonymous said...

Duplicity at its very finest. But trust me, they'll be getting it right back. All of those pleasant smiles they'll be getting this summer? Not a smidgen of real.

Anonymous said...

Guess family loyalty doesn't mean anything to Judas Slmons & sons.

Anonymous said...

You got that right! "Judas" Slymons doesn't have the faintest idea what it means to be loyal to one's family.

Anonymous said...

"and yes his children knew all about everything...yet they stepped in front of the bus too"

More like they joined the old man in throwing y'all under the bus!

Anonymous said...

"often caught snooping from the woods to keep track of who came and went....."


Anonymous said...

David's little fairy tale about the cottage being a piece of shit for which he would be doing everyone a huge favor by scooping up for pennies on the dollar outta be amusing!

Joey said...

From what I heard it was very bad. I wasn't around when those first meetings took place but they came prepared to really dumb down the place. Wished I'd seen it. There are more very funny scenerios to share. When you hire a criminal defense attorney to do your dirty get dirty work.

Anonymous said...

In the not so great mind of David Slymon's.......he has won the battle but the real truth is he has started a biggger war that has many more family, moral and ethical issues that will follow him to the grave......this same war will follow all of the troops that hide in the bushes at look outs for daddy as well......"It is not over until the fat lady sing".......can David carry a tune?
Don't think so!!