The meeting, or should I say presentation started, and not once did Davids counsel look at either mother or I. Not once, and David did little more than sit there and avoid any eye contact or verbal exchange. It became apparent early on they had one goal and one goal only, and agreeing to anything short of outright ownership was not an option. They went to great lengths to show just how bad a shape the cottage was in. At one point they almost had me believing that she would fall over in a stiff breeze if the rodents didn't attack us first.
Fortunately we were able to locate the drawings the court appointed artist had created and have painstakingly uploaded them to this posting. Sit back and enjoy.
In this first drawing you will observe the massive infestation of rodents, even Orkin wanted no part of that cleanup:

In the second rendition you will observe the massive peeling paint, which by the way legitimizes the reason given for Why the front door was repainted, it was peeling and needed to be fixed:

In this next rendition you will observe the issue with lot line and how difficult or impossible it would be to sell or do any type or renovation without having to knock down the whole cottage and rebuild:

And finally you will observe the difficulty one would endure having to find a clear path to the lake because of the landlocked cottages. It would be necessary to go outside of the association to find an access point:

Come on now, most of these places are over 100 years old, they are out in the middle of the forest, and one would reasonably expect to find these places in less than brand new condition and usually in need of some form of paint or repair. Our cottage was no different than any other one in our association or one of the other's. The dumbing down that took place that day was just the beginning, it continued for months. You shall see.
Not that it matters, but my six year old daughter can draw better than that.
And what were they using those pictures for, anyway? I mean, they couldn't possibly expect for someone to take them seriously when they use those as PROOF that it has a rodent and/or paint problem.
Good lord.
and I'm confused - I thought the cottage over-lapped the morley lot, not the torrence lot. maybe I looked at it wrong.
I'm really not following the bit about the cottage being landlocked. What do the "no trespassing" signs refer to" Surely the Lee/Slymons cottage has a dock and beach with lake access directly in front of it like all the other cottages? Not following this at all.
why wouldn't anyone step forward and say these drawings were false? what a joke. Land locked? permission to go to their dock? come on.
I think the land locked issue was thrown in by the Slymon's legal clowns to throw off the judge and appointed lawyer on the real situation of the real value of the cottage......face it.. every piece of property that is owned is land locked by lot lines.....just legal BS contrived by David to make a mess in court.
Dave+legal team=Family and comuunity destruction.
Now I understand your OUTRAGE.These are court documents??? As has been said before by the administrator "you just can't make this up folks"
This is just soooo beyond what
I thought and THANK YOU for giving me the truth and nothing but the truth. Keep it coming. It's like a kangaroo court of nightmares. Impeach the president NOW and that means the Lakeside president.I am enraged beyond words.What about the rest of you Lakesiders?
I agree with impeachment but if we were to take a silent vote and votes were counted to keep him in, then what kind of shit would that make him. I say don't vote just kick his fat lying ass out.
Rumor has it that he has ALREADY been asked to step down and he
REFUSED to comply with the board.Does he think he is annointed for the rest of his life?
First off, I captured the "essence" of the presentation in my own drawings. It does convey the essence of the plaintif's defense attorney's presentation. :)
The whole point was to paint a picture that would adequately convey a dismal image of the place. Wish I'd been there. I know that when they started in on how the cottage was not winterized my mother said "that is not true". What happens next will give you a better idea of how impossible this whole mess became. Stay tuned....
Again I ask you... Do you know anyone more duplicitous???
look up that word in the dictionary and not only will you find it's meaning, there is also a picture of david slymons
Hmmm. If all the lot lines in Lakeside are "landlocked" beginning at the path, and going back towards the dining hall-- then who owns the land in front of the path, going to the lake? Is that all common association owned property? If so, anyone could use anyone's beach! The public could even use anyone's beach. Is this really "Lakeside" or not? This is kinda disturbing info for property owners.
Man, duplicitous David really went into overdrive on this court farce to steal the cottage.
seems the association would own any part past the front path towards the lake and the lake is owned by the state of michigan. I know when you have a shanty on the lake in the winter it's first come first serve.
Having paid your dues for your cottage you are entitled to use your dock and anything that sits there. Also I heard there was a wedge shaped piece of land in front of the harvey lot that wasn't owned by anyone but the association therefore any land owner could have used this portion of property and the association could have used this land for anything they wish. Therefore the Harvey's bought the land that is now known as the "Harvey wedge". hmmm
The association, i.e. the lot owners own the common areas. Each cottage lot is actually quite small. As a cottage owner, the common area is owned "by all".. David had the court believing that we needed "permission" to access not only the cottage by way of the back roads, but also our beach house and lake. You have to imagine what sort of picture this created for someone who had never been there and this same someone who never had seen the place until the very end. He was more than a little surprised..too late...
You mean the Judge actually went up to Lakeside and checked it out personally in the end? That sounds interesting.
What if a cottage owner decides to "opt out" of Lakeside Association participation and dining hall? Years ago, I remember a family in Pinewoods who opted out. The just didn't use the dining hall, tennis courts, etc. But they still accessed their cottage via the backroads and the lake in front.
Damn this is getting more convoluted by the minute. We find this blog utterly fascinating.
In response to the comment about the judge coming up to Lakeside, no, he did not. The facilitator was to visit Lakeside two years ago as part of the agreement we had worked out, but apparently he didn't think it was important enough to spend time following through on that. He did show up last month to oversee the removal of items from the cottage.
I do understand your outrage to how this happened to your family. As for the "common property" and lake front property, it was set up this way for multiple reasons. First up until 8-10 years ago Lakeside had ONE tax bill. When a lot was sold, this would uncap all lots for increase in property taxes. Now we all receive a tax bill for your own lot and added is the common property tax. This allows property being sold without and ramifactions on others. As for the lake front, we have rights to use your property infront of your cottage but the Association does control any changes. Requests for changes go to the board.
As for electing not it conform with bylaws/standing rules just remember Dave Burrows. Tried to not partipate in the Dining Hall, and they are no longer a cottage owner.
If you are unhappy with any board member exercise your right and vote them off. Must focus what is best for Lakeside.
To follow up on the land locked issue David brought up. At first glance one might think that's not a good thing, however, because the association pays a lower tax rate on the land it owns, it was in everyones best interest to have the association own the frontage and the back land, and spread the reduced taxes amongst the lot owners.
David's attempt to portray our situation as hopelessly landlocked and a huge disatvantage, instead, turns out to be a big advantage financially.
Now either he thought we "all" were stupid and wouldn't see the advantage, or it is he that is stupid. Discuss amongst yourselfs!
It would be in lakesides first interest to oust david slymons. He has made lakeside a laughing stock. With all his lies and his kids checking out who comes and goes. What a bad thing this has done for us. It could have been done easier but not with him. If he lies during this ordeal then what's to stop him from lying about anything else. First prority is our beautiful camp and it's surroundings. Boot the liar and his family. This has been a terrible joke with no turning around.
Was David Burrows the husband of Mimi Burrows? Who owns their cottage now?
I agree David Slymons should be ousted from the assoc. before he causes any further Harm to Lakeside.
Question: Has Slymons or his family ever acknowledged the existence of "The Red Door Journal?"
What's next?
Eating in the dining hall poses significant health risks- causes obesity?
Tennis courts emit toxins and carcinogens?
Pervs spy in cottage windows at night?
Strange goings ons in the lot where the boat trailers are stored? Odd wiccan rituals.
Oh my goodness..yes. The other family has read the blog and the plaintif's attorney put on quite the show in court over it. Wait til we share that one with you!!! It is part of the reason we switched attorneys and got Bill Street!! (he's the one who defended the cussing canoeist a number of years ago)..big on freedom of speech etc. The defense attorney tried to suggest that mother was writing the blog!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah;....too fuuny!!
I think david should be paying for more than one since he's bigger than 2 people
I am so tempted to put a couple of 'No Trespassing' signs in front of your cottage this Summer. Maybe I'll have my cat draw one or two.
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