August 10, 2011

"I can see 2012 from my house"

Great reaction to yesterday’s Wisconsin recall elections, from blogger Lexington Green at Chicago Boyz (via Instapundit). Read the whole thing. Leaves me with that “wish I’d said that” feeling:

The people have spoken. Again.
Get used to it.
Next: More rollback.
Here, there and everywhere.
Today Madison, tomorrow DC.
Today Wisconsin, tomorrow America.
I can see 2012 from my house.
Hope and Change? Meet the snake.


tadalis online said...

nice thoughts..I really appreciate it..Thanks a lot for such awesome blog post

Anonymous said...

It's been a loooooong time since you updated your readers on the Lakeside situation.

Does your family still rent there? Is Uncle Slymie still living in the cottage he forced your family out of?

Did you ever figure out what Uncle Slymie's motives where for his unseemly action against his sister and her family?