I wonder if the issue of a central bank account is addressed in this new book? You know like the one where all owners contribute their respective share of the cottage expenses and then usually one owner or another will be responsible for the distribution of the funds for the various bills that occur. Kind of like our arraignment. For over 10 years now, Stu, Katy, David and mother all contribute their respective share of the expenses , and one check is written from a JOINT account. I would have to think this topic is covered, because it can and has become an issue. Especially when one lets others think they are paying all the bills. A side benefit is everyone has a record of their financial activity, everyone!
Wonder if Uncle Slymie has any regrets?
To trade away family for solitude, I'm guessing not.
Have there been any karmic repercussions for Uncle Slymie in the past few years?
There's not too much solitude at Lakeside. Inbred and parochial.
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