Anyone surfing the web recently has no doubt come across this ravishing creature looking back at you. Thanks to a commenter over at AoS, we now know who she is.
Here's a video montage. I can't understand a word she's saying, but does it really matter? Maybe Roger Ailes can help with her English and get her on Fox News.
Could this blog have gone any further off track from its stated mission?
And that mission was?
I think it had something to do with Lakeside Association on Higgins Lake-- and a duplicitous old man who stole his sister's share of a cottage??
That old man, the President of Lakeside didn't show up for the Memorial Day Pig roast which all three camps attended. This is a long line of functions that he has not been able to make. You make your own impressions of his actions
That should not come as any surprise should it? He only showed up last year just to prove he and his sister in-law were still tight after she bailed his fat ass out on the cash he needed to finalize the theft of the cottage from his sister.
Is he really still the president? When does his term expire??
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