January 27, 2010

It's i Pad


Anonymous said...

You think it's about time you change the title of this blog to something else? like political views or something. The cottage is gone and there's nothing on here about the red door anymore

Anonymous said...

Suggest a name then.

Anonymous said...

How about the black door since you talk about Obama so much

Just your under average blogger said...

I see no reason to change the name of this blog to something else and certainly not the black door.

The messege that this blog started with still remains. There will be others who unfortunatly will follow in our footsteps. Not if but when, its just a matter of time.

There are many ticking time bombs on the North Shore of Higgins Lake and if people continue to live in denial, history will repeat its self. So no, this is not going anywhere and all that we endured is here for them to review.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ok. Good point. Yes we will see more of the slyme works ahead. I just hope I'm gone when the next slymie family does another scam hopefully not though. I hope it only happens to his family because scott and janet are going to be the only ones left to do more dirty work.

Just your under average blogger said...

With all due respect, like them or not, my, our/my issue is and never was with Janet and Scott, please leave them out of your comments on this blog, if you do harbor such thoughts expresses them else where.

Anonymous said...

just saying the next bull crap that will be next will probably be those two fighting over their cottage

Just your under average blogger said...

Who cares? It seems there are few who are paying any sort of attention to that family now anyway.

Anonymous said...

oh their paying attention alright. Everthing they don't do and should have being prez and all, is still talk. Not good talk but talk.