How safe were we during the 8 years of the Bush administration? How many terror attacks occurred in those 8 years? I don’t know – and try googling that and you get an entire page of anti-Bush results - but I’m sure it was less than we’ve seen in the last 12 months. There were certainly no Army officers shooting up fellow unarmed soldiers during the Bush years.
It’s not necessarily the system that’s failed. Or at least not entirely. We have leadership that has failed. Obama has circled the globe apologizing for us and genuflecting to third rate leaders. How does anyone expect our enemies to view us as anything other than weak and confused? As the NYPost article states, Obama can’t even name the enemy. An “isolated extremist,” he called him. I think that Ft.Hood taught only the rest of us how dangerous political correctness is. The morons in charge still don’t get it.
How many times do these barbarians have to declare war on us before the dummies in charge figure it out? The majority of the American people know who the enemy is and what their end game is: radical Islam who have repeatedly called for our deaths.
Whether it’s an unsuccessful attempt or a horrific success, makes no difference to me. His intent was to kill at least 300 people. Thank God, it didn’t work, but regardless it was his intent. This young man should be wrung for all the information we can get from him and then put to death, just like any other enemy soldier. Instead, we are cavalierly going to give him the rights of an American citizen and imprison him like an ordinary criminal.
Ask those Americans on board that plane on Christmas day how cavalier they feel about this.
It is rather interesting for me to read the post. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.
"How safe were we during the 8 years of the Bush administration? How many terror attacks occurred in those 8 years? I don’t know – and try googling that and you get an entire page of anti-Bush results - but I’m sure it was less than we’ve seen in the last 12 months."
Are you nuts? 9/11- the worst attack in the history of this country- occurred on the watch of boy Bush. Hello!
You're really comparing this little Detroit thing to 9/11??
Little Detroit Thing??? Tell that to the 300 passengers who were certain they were going to die, and might have had a detinator not functioned. And lets not forget Ft. Hood. Wake up and smell the jihad, this administration is dangerous.
This administration is not butt buddies with the Bin Laden family.
On Forgiveness:
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