June 10, 2009

Old swing...new home!

This is my first attempt at uploading an image. I just wanted everyone to see that I've been busy decorating! Maybe I'll submit it to "Rate my Space". I feel like I'm in my private little world out there. If I put a tarp over the top I can pretend that I'm camping in my own little fort. Bring in my laptop, a vodka on the rocks, some music...yeah... nice.


Anonymous said...

Wow look at you! What a glamorous back yard!!

Go, girl!

Anonymous said...

It looks better where it is now!
Good thing it's still in one piece.

Anonymous said...

Looks very swanky there! Well done, Lady.

Katy Elizabeth said...

I absolutely love it!

Anonymous said...

The swing looks great.......it is in a much better place now......old Slymons would have probably used it for fire wood....to make room for the ugly porch furniture he has now.....

Anonymous said...

ugly isn't the word for it and he thought the red door was out of character. boy are we in for surprises

Anonymous said...

It's such unbelievable chintz. Tacky tasteless crap, completely out of character for our camp and northern MI.

Maybe it's the in-laws?

Anonymous said...

Maybe the president is trying to be the Lakeside "Slymdog Noclassionaire".....he is onto a good start with the new furniture on his porch......low class, no class......

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's a little "flash with trash."

Wonder if he's planning any cocktail parties this summer? Yuck!

Anonymous said...

if he is I'm not going

Anonymous said...

When does the dining hall open this year? So not looking forward to seeing Slymons, Slymons' spawn, Carol and her inbred family sauntering around like they own the place.

Anonymous said...

"It's such unbelievable chintz. Tacky tasteless crap"

Could somebody please post a photo so we could all see what this shit looks like?

As I have told Blogmaster many times, photos make things WAY more interesting. Just a suggestion.

Katy Elizabeth said...

I'm with the person above me ---- We need photos!! I want to see this ugly furniture, and if you can (at all possible), post a picture of the inlaws... I want to see whats going on!!!

Joey said...

As far as I know, Carol's sister Bonnie and her husband Jim are very nice people. I always thought they had good taste. This furniture has to be the Symons' choice. Why they would get into this mess is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm sure they had to pay for the taxes and as soon as slymons got the money he used it to buy gawdy furniture. Just like he did when you owned it. You thought you were paying the taxes when in fact you were buying new dock sections to his boat cause he didn't want to get his feet wet when he went to his boat.

Anonymous said...

How on earth did he get away with such duplicity and lack of transparency on the cottage accounting? Bet he was pocketing $$, too!

Anonymous said...

You would have thought that since the old fart owned a building supply store, he would have been a little more amenable to fixing the place up. Maybe even provide some materials at cost? Nah! He always preferred the 18th century dilapidated look. Heaven forbid any of the other co-owners should ever take any initiative to fix anything-- even on their own dime!

Anonymous said...

Hell hath no fury like a Slymons scorned..

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful, Mom. I want to visit and lie on it. I know it won't be the same, but if I close my eyes...

Such great napping!