June 18, 2009

Mr. Meyer goes to work.

With the issue of the costs/sanctions and injunctive relief behind us, Mr. Meyer got busy. First, he reviewed the requested appraisals. Remember back if you will for a moment. When this first started, David had an appraisal done and using the appraised value of $665k he proceeded to justify why he felt that his offer to the other owners of $600k (including all contents) was reasonable. The encroachment, critters, poor state of the cottage, landlocked issues, etc. included.

When directed by the court to obtain independent appraisals, we had one done in April of 2007. It was very close to the one David had used. Ours, $668,700.

David however felt the need to quickly obtain ANOTHER appraisal. In regard to the comparables, both David's appraisal and ours used a property at 151 Old Stage Road that had a sale price of $620,000.

The new appraisal estimated the fair market value of the property at $545k. With the various adjustments, their appraisal came in at $558,900.00. A major deduction in value under the new and improved Symons appraisal was the subjective amount of $50,000 because of the "encroachment" onto the neighboring property. Also, the Symons appraisal deducted an additional $66,000 from the comparable price due to the "site".

So what did Mr. Meyer do with this information? Ignoring the plan for a third appraisal if the two that were obtained weren't close, he decided that the "sale" would be held in the manner of an auction and the starting bid price would be $545,000. What???????????? As we've said... you can't make this crap up if you tried.


Anonymous said...

Is this all over with now or can you still appeal. I mean is there a statute of limitations that has to be met in order to reconsider any money lost to poor attorney skills? there has to be something else you can do since slymons pretty much screwed you guys out of money owed to you, by way of deceit. It just doesn't seem plausable that one person or in this case two people can do this sort of dirty work and get away with it

Joey said...

If..and when...we get a "final" order we can appeal. The plaintiff's attorney is required to request a final order. Do you think they are in any hurry to do so????????

Anonymous said...

you would think they wouldn't want to drag it on any longer. I would think they would want to be done with it so they can try and rebuild their cottage without any hitches

Joey said...

they are afraid we will appeal.

Anonymous said...

They must think they are free and clear. They are putting money into something their not even sure it's theirs.( so to speak. I hope you appeal it cause he's such a dick along with the other shit kids.(rick and scott)Rick is acting like nothing happened. waving at people and being all friendly. What an asshole

Anonymous said...

Absolutely you must appeal! This is your heirloom, a precious family legacy handed down through the generations.


Lord knows the Slymons family played dirty pool to get it away from you-- so many protocol and procedural violations should leave plenty of grounds on which to file an appeal.

I really can't stomach those Slymons boys walking around camp- trying to suck up to everyone so we'll all forget what they just did.

Truly disgusts me!

Anonymous said...

"If..and when...we get a "final" order we can appeal."

This is not a done deal yet? Slymons and co-conspirators (Carol's hapless family) don't have clear title yet on the old gal?

Have the Lees and DeGeus/Jenkins's received their $$ yet from this purported buyout?

If this is not a finalized deal, the Lees should fight like hell to reclaim their cottage!!!

They have the high moral ground, as well as the support of the entire Lakeside Camp on their side!!

Anonymous said...

"I really can't stomach those Slymons boys walking around camp- trying to suck up to everyone so we'll all forget what they just did."

Forget what they did? Never will I forget what they did. I'm sorry but they are truly an asshole family that doesn't care about anything other than themselves. They'll try to be nice but we can see through their fake lies.

Anonymous said...

"Also, the Symons appraisal deducted an additional $66,000 from the comparable price due to the "site"."

Could you please elaborate on what was meant by "site?"

Anonymous said...

Was the comparable that sold for 620K that tear down little shack in Pinewoods?

In my opinion, Lakeside is more valuable property than Pinewoods because there is more land, more privacy, more association owned buildings, etc.

Joey said...

they never took into account the value of the association property either. that just sort of got kicked to the curb.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me the value of the association owned property should absolutely be factored into cottage appraisals.

The association property is in effect "owned" by all the cottage owners in the camp. It is a hugely valuable asset and ought to be factored in.

Anonymous said...

What you do for your appeal is get an appraisal of all Lakeside association owned property- including the entire lakefront in front of everybody's cottages. (you know, the reason you're landlocked)

Divide the appraisal of Lakeside Camp- owned property by the number of cottages in camp. And that, my dear Lees, is the extra money the Slymons family still owes you to seal the deal!

Anonymous said...

Slymons took you to court so fast you didn't know what hit you. He had it all mapped out the way he thought it would go down.

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I understand this, Mr. Meyer agreed to use the average of the two nearly identical appraisals that had been done for $665,000.00 each as the asking price, until David found someone to low ball another appraisal for $545,000.00, and then Mr. Meyer uses that one?

Anonymous said...

"And that, my dear Lees, is the extra money the Slymons family still owes you to seal the deal!"

David and his lawyers are going to shit a pickle over this!!

Anonymous said...

This mess should just be called "Slymon Gate"......we all know what "Tricky Dick" did at the end of the mess he caused....I think President Slymons should do the same thing.......walk away like in real far away.

Joey said...

As to the deduction of $66k for the "site"... he had this woman (appraiser) thinking the place was a run down dump, rodent infested, not winterized, etc. etc. That was the amount deducted due to the "site". As for the association value..trust me. We tried to explain how this all worked and the value assigned to each lot..they just didn't get it. Remember..they wanted this done and over with.

Anonymous said...

"As for the association value..trust me. We tried to explain how this all worked and the value assigned to each lot..they just didn't get it. Remember..they wanted this done and over with."

How could you withstand this miscarriage of justice? What an absolute travesty. If they just wanted to get it over with-- why did it drag on for so many years? How could you just let them screw you?

Your great grand parents must've been amongst the founders of Lakeside. You're entitled to compensation for your piece of the entire association!!!

Anonymous said...

"they just didn't get it. Remember..they wanted this done and over with."

Make them "GET IT." That's what appeal is for. Otherwise, you're leaving a potential fortune on the table.

Anonymous said...

He was probably hoping you didn't know about it

Anonymous said...

Yes, obviously he was hoping they wouldn't figure it out.

Thank goodness for anonymity on The Red Door Journal, because if David Slymons knew I pointed out what you could claim, he would have slit my throat!

Anonymous said...

I think you should sue Mr. Meyer for favoratisim(SP?). He sounds like this was the first case he had done. or a payoff deal. sounds very fishy to me.