David and his counsel decided after leaving early from the first meeting, a legal document existed and there fore should be enacted. Problem was several fold, one, it was deficient in addressing all issues, leaving early might have lead to that I suspect, and since it was not signed by all parties it was not a legally binding agreement. So David filed the first of many motions, all of which required a response and those little annoyances typically cost about $1,000.00 each time one is filed. Lets keep count shall we, this was motion #3. And the judge ruled correctly this time and agreed with our filing that it was not a legal agreement.
The judge ordered all parties and legal counsel to show up for another round. And since time seemed to be of the essence, a hurried up date was pushed upon us.
We showed up again planning on all day because you just never know what will or wont happen. The first surprise was no David, that's right, NO DAVID, apparently was working on his all over tan on the beaches in Florida. In comes the B team, his counsel and stand in counsel, son #2.
And surprise surprise, again we are sequestered in separate rooms. Apparently lesson never learned. Well why not it worked so well the first time didn't it?
The back and forth begins anew, and almost from the start it is apparent that their goal is get this done before camp opens and do not give an inch. We do make some head way, agreeing again on the number of appraisals, and the method for arriving at a listing price. We agreed on the time frame for marketing to the other associations first, and then if necessary listing it with a Real Estate agent.
Wow, that was easy, now all it seems we needed was a final printed agreement and we had a done deal. But.....while that was being typed, it appears that a phone call was made to David. Mr. Facilitator came in to say that David did not agree to the time line and had ordered his counsel to walk out.
He then filed an another motion, # 4 or 5, kinda loosing count now, to say that we were uncooperative. Where does he come up with this stuff, he walks out of the first, and then doesn't show up for the second and we are the uncooperative ones. What an ass.
Back to court again because David needs things to go his way, and the judge decides the facilitator has done such a splendid job of screwing things up twice already, a third must be the charm.
Here is where I am going to take a break from writing for while, but don't think for a moment your not going to be entertained, heck no, the better writer is going to take over, and for a while I will sit back and relax.
Enjoy the journey.
Gee kinda makes you wonder if he'll show for the annual meeting. Oh wait he'll file a motion to postpone the annual meeting until he finishes the big dump in the toilet that's going through the floor that nobody else could use.
woe is me
I wonder if David will show up at the annual meeting with his team of legal experts and request he be in a separate room from the rest of the folks at the meeting......I wonder also how many security guards Prsident Oslyma will bring with him to the meeting....
It does leave you wondering... will he show up? Will he have a stand in? Could be interesting.
If he has a stand-in, he's OUT! And maybe even if he doesn't have a stand-in... Should be an interesting meeting.
everything he says is a lie so how can anyone believe what he says. He doesn't care about Lakeside anyway. He wanted to have the dining hall open on sunday the 28th? for dinner? gee when has that ever happened?
details aren't his thing...
you know last year he had a written statement on why he was using a leaf blower during camp. Gee I think he could have just said what he thought about it. I'm sure he'll read everything he has to say. maybe that way he won't studder as much and then the meeting won't last all day
When is the meeting supposed to take place?
David was a "motion crazed fiend."
Sounds like he just put his family through this legal nightmare out of pure, unadulterated spite.
Was he always this nasty and childish, or did these character flaws develop later in life?
Well..as far back as I can remember he's been whacked. He used to scare the sh*t out of my girls when they were little. Mother tried talking to him about it and he just couldn't stop behaving badly.
Frightening little children? Classy.
I see Slymons' ghastly behavior goes way back.
What do you guys reckon was the amount of unnecessary legal fees Slymons made you ring up? But wasn't he running up his own bills all the while?
Wonder if he finds this all worth it in the end. I know if it were me, I could never enjoy that cottage with a clear conscience knowing how I achieved it.
It should be an interesting Annual Meeting. I have read many anonymous comments pertaining to impeachment of the current President. I will be curious to see if any of these people will stand up in the meeting and ask for a vote to start the process.
When does Slymons's term as Lakeside President end?
Umm, it's not like there's any real power in the position.
Why would he care if he was impeached? He probably wishes he wasn't the president~ so his personal BS wouldn't be causing so much dramz in camp.
Then why doesn't he do the honorable thing and step down. He brought a SHERIFF into camp! I thought one of the goals was not to let anyone around know we exist. Obviously his own agenda is much more important than Lakeside's.
Ya, the sign on the road out front says..."PRIVATE". Now everyone knows what's going on and it's shameful. Shame on David Slymons!
he made sure that josephine had pretty much all she needed at the cottage over Christmas. Gas, electric, oil, heat, water, then gets the sherriff to go and kick her out a few days later. What a pure scumbag. Resign you piece of dung. How can any human being do that to his own sister? Gets her all comfy, then tries to boot her out. What kind of person does that?. No really?
watch out radke,reinhart. Your next. We tried to warn you. Maybe he threatened them into signing
Ghosts of cottage dwellers past still linger and forever shall.
Yes, and that includes Slymon's ancestors, who are rolling over in their graves. Unsettling...
correction on the Christmas comfort issue. He made it sound like he was concerned about the level of fuel oil. It was supposed to have been ordered. Gee, we ran out the first night. Guess it was all for show? Yeah..it got a bit cold.
Not to sound like Jennifer Aniston, but it just seems like there is a certain "sensitivity chip" missing in David Slymons.
He probably hangs on every word of all the witty pundits here on The Red Door Journal!
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