February 3, 2009

Now I can show this photo.

Since we are private now, I can show the photo I took in court last Thursday, proof positive that David had mother testify.


Joey said...

We have the one I took of you..is that one going up also?? Too bad we didn't get David..maybe he was too big to fit the frame...?

Anonymous said...

The camera would probably shake from all of the stuttering...

Anonymous said...

I bet that made for a la-la-la-la-long examination....

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed the exciting portion of the day. I saw quite a bit while I was there though. Body language tells so much about people. Kind of like the saying, "a picture is worth a thousand words"

Joey said...

check out the civil court records..judge found mother NOT in contempt of court... yeah! Just another frivolous law-suit.

Anonymous said...

Oh this is so sad. David seems like such a douche!

Anonymous said...

David needs to be tarred and feathered and ostracized by the entire Lakeside community!!!