What this xxx xxx judge did was pass the buck. He has shown an innate inability for over two years now to avoid making a decision. So now he finds a pxxxx hxxx while searching for his bxxx and chooses to take the cxxxxxx sxxx way out.
Of course mother never should have been put into the position of having to defend herself in the first place. There was no reason what so ever to deny mother use of a cottage that she and the plaintiff own an equal share of. None. The judge knew that David had not paid for the cottage, he knew the deed had not been prepared let alone signed, and there simply was no legal reason to rule in the manner he did. And then to wait eight days to make that flawed decision, when he told everyone he would take two days.
Now David waits until everyone is home, an inventory with photos is completed and we work out the details of the cottage contents before he files a motion to show cause, (to find mother in contempt). And his explanation in court to support his actions for this is "this has dragged on too long"!
So now David feels he's been damaged, harmed, or whatever, and seeks $3,500.00 for his pain and suffering, plus costs. The implications of David's insane action was mother has to fork out another $7,000.00 to defend herself and the judge says, no harm, no foul, no problem here, please move along and don't loiter. Right!
There are options available to help rectify the actions of both the judge and David Symons, they will be utilized when the time is right. Count on it.
I hope everyone had a great time at the who party last night, we all wish we could have been there but under the circumstance it was best not to draw attention away from the purpose of this fun night. Perhaps next year!
Nice visual... ugh.
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