The major question of the yesterday afternoons testimony centered around when this photo was taken and how could we be lying about it. You see, there was a date at the top of this posting that showed Jan 5th, and it was assumed that because mother and Joey had left on the 29th of December, someone had to be lying, and someone had to have taken that photo. Not sure of it's relevancy but hey, I am not an attorney. So for those who could not figure this out at first glance allow me:
DOOR WAS REPAINTED SHORTLY AFTERWARDS ON ORDERS BY THE PLAINTIFF (perhaps asking him when, might have been my first question)
I hope that clears up what any confusion on the plaintiffs part concerning this mystery photo!
Joey doesn't wear shoes in the winter??? What the... ? They're both pretty tan for December, too.
Yes, I thought the questioning odd.."did I take the picture"? uhh..no. Did I discuss this picture with mother at Christmas? Uh, no. Did I discuss this picture with my brother at the cottage? "on Jan. 5th?" .."uh..no"..I wasn't at the cottage on Jan. 5th. I wonder if they realize that the blogger lives in Bay City, not Saginaw and that we don't discuss items posted. Often, we don't even know what was posted. Uh..duh..geee. I'm confused.
The picture has what to do with the "show cause" for holding mother in contempt of court? I still don't get the connection. I must be really stipid..or something. I do get "delays" though. Hmmm...
Well, either way - it's a great picture.
All he has to do is pay, right? And then it could be over?
Wher exactly were Carol Merrill and Vanna White at the lake? Sorry I missed that.
For those of you waiting for David to go to hell.....stop
he is already there
I hope all of this is settled before camp opens. I think the board should suspend him until this is over. Elect a new president until he can get his affairs in order. There is no way he can juggle the good of the camp and throwing his sister in the slammer.
It does seem like a lot to juggle. What with all these trips to court and all, perhaps he just doesn't want to see it end. Seems like he isn't through trying to punish his sister. We still don't know why, but he must have some good reasons?? Maybe he doesn't want to have to actually buy the cottage.
Maybe he needs more time to figure out how he can get himself out of this huge mess he's put himself in and try to save a little face too.
Frankly I don't think there is any saving face option for him.
I think he misses seeing all of out of court, since this is the only time he sees all of you he doesn't want it to end. He keeps filing motions to get a chance to see you again.
The thing that bothers me the most about having him as our president is that he says one thing and does another. He talks about the Lees as if he's being the nice guy and the great brother/uncle and then calls the sherrif. He doesn't understand the true meaning of Lakeside, therefore how can he have our best interests at heart?
Let us leave Lakeside out of these comments. This issue is a family matter. Most people can fomulate their own opinion, and that is fine and healthy, but lets stay on message here.
He doesn't care about Lakeside, He only cares for the title of president. Now he can tell all of his one friends he's president of lakeside. Oh I'm sure he has made up business cards with his title on them to pass out.
This stench is putrifying Lakeside!
Maybe his trying to burn it down to collect insurance money?
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