Unbelievable, simply unbelievable. I can't make this stuff up folks, and yes I have used that line before.
I really thought this morning we would finally be done. Preliminary discussions earlier in the week led us to believe it would be wrapped up this morning. We had agreed to a number of issues, including a confidentiality agreement that would have prevented me from have this conversation with you all. He had agreed to pay mother $7,000.00 to cover her legal expenses pertaining to this show cause motion, it was to"go away", and nary a word would be said ever again. We had agreed to drop any further attempts for an appeal, Done, finished, all that was left was some accounting house cleaning and the bye bye's. Yea....Right
We should have known better, this behavior has been a benchmark of his. Un- trustworthy to say the least.
Nope, he pulled the same Houdini stunt today that he pulled after the first facilitation meeting and then the second meeting. The entire morning spent sitting and waiting while the attorny fee's keep piling up. We made one final attempt to settle this to no avail. Suddenly the man who said this was taking so long decided to make it last a whole lot longer. Honestly, we were 5 minutes away from having this all wraped up and done with.
So on with the show cause hearing. You know the one where he trys to have his sister thrown in jail, yea, that one.
When cross examined he admitted that he wasn't doing this for the money, or because he thought she would destroy the place if she went one last time to her cottage for the Christmas holidays. His reason was because things were taking too long.
TAKING TOO LONG So adding additional time and costs is the solution, I am not buying it. He is a mean and nasty person and not one member of his family could or would, stand up and say you're doing the wrong thing. Not one! They are as spineless as he is.
His motion sought $3,500.00 in damages, plus costs, yet
did not ask for jail time.
That was until 4:58PM today. He had his attorney stand before the judge and plead for him to sentence mother to jail. I am not kidding.
To date his lowest hour yet.