December 10, 2008

This is a gift.....

Too many captions to choose from, add your own in the comments section...

1. "So, if I get sentenced to eight years or less, I can still run for president in 2016?" The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come was really unprepared for this idiot.

2. "I sure as f**k *am* the Blago that you knew, Barry Soetero!"

3. No, that's not the year Chairman O leaves office, that's the Dow six months after Chairman O *takes* office.

4. "So, all of a sudden it's wrong for a dedicated public servant to make a few bucks selling a senate seat that hasn't even been used in three years. Jeez, next thing you know, you'll be coming after me for those fourteen year old hitchhikers I got buried in the crawlspace... What?"

5. "Donald Trump framed me, I tell you. He's jealous of my hair!"


Anonymous said...

Curley, Moe & Larry?

Anonymous said...

Every time you think no more bodies will fit under Obama’s bus, he gets bigger tires.