December 31, 2008
December 30, 2008
More on today's events later this week or next, I have a mother f*****g headache from the insanity of it all. The world cannot have this many stupid people in it, can it?
December 27, 2008
Christmas at Lakeside 2008
Just a quick comment on comments....
I do appreciate them, please keep on message and keep things civil.
December 26, 2008
David Symons's way of saying Merry Christmas to his sister.

Folks I am disgusted, I am pissed and I am going to let everyone know about this. I'm Sorry, but this crosses the line between being decent and mature and showing sheer vindictiveness.
It's the day after Christmas and this is his idea of how to say Merry Christmas. Pathetic, simply pathetic.
It truly is a sad day for Lakeside and the other associations on Higgins Lake, when the Lakeside Camp president shows this much hatred towards his sister.
More later...I need to calm down.
Unfucking believeable, David Symons tries to ruin Christmas!
December 25, 2008
December 24, 2008
Perhaps it's a good thing not everyone is connected!

'Twas the Night Before Christmas
by Jason L.
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
no devices were running, not even my mouse!
The blizzard had swept through the town an ice shower,
it had thrashed, it had crashed, we had all lost our power!
I was sitting there weeping with my mind full of dread,
when a great revelation popped in my head!
My BlackBerry, my BlackBerry...on 24/7,
it was my salvation, my new glimpse of heaven!
I leaped from my chair with a great sense of joy,
Christmas may be for children, but I had my toy!
With instant push email, a browser, and flash,
it was the most prized possession of my electronic stash!
My eyes lit up brightly as they fell down upon it,
I know it's an object, but I always did fawn it!
When, what to my glimmering sight should appear,
an email, a text, my eye shed a tear!
My night was not ruined, my nightmare deflected,
I knew in a moment, I was always connected!
I unwrapped my "sword" from its tight leather sheath,
and I whistled, and shouted, and gritted my teeth!
"I love you! I love you! My glorious BlackBerry!
I love you! I love you! My Christmas is merry!"
Open browser, open menu, and enter address,
to, joyous, God bless!"
The page began loading, the bar filled with blue,
I was filled with excitement knowing not what to do!
Like the Garden of Eden or lands milk and honey,
CrackBerry was my paradise, treasures greater than money!
With forums, and blogs, and up-to-date news,
it serves every person from Christians to Jews!
No matter what your religion or winter tradition, brings all to fruition!
With tons of free goodies like ringtones and themes, is more than it seems!
A central help center when your service is stopping,
or a bountiful warehouse for holiday shopping!
Wallpapers, skins, and cases to carry,
chargers, and cradles, and Bluetooths, how merry!
Forget hand-sewn sweaters, no fruitcakes, no more,
Don't need two front teeth just the Crackberry store!
After hours of surfing that wonderful site,
I bade my farewell and said my goodnight!
Put on my pajamas and I crept into bed,
while visions of BlackBerrys danced through my head!
I pulled up the covers and drifted to sleep,
praying the heavens my smartphone to keep!
A last roaming thought of my BlackBerry chum,
I knew in the night Kris Kringle would come!
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
and filled all the stockings then turned with a jerk!
Ring-a-ling, ring-a-ling came a noise from his sleigh,
I woke up quite suddenly and heard Santa say,
"Yes Mrs. Claus I'll be home around dawn, and please stop worrying, my GPS's on!"
And away Santa flew like the down of a thistle,
but I heard him exclaim, and his BlackBerry whistle,
"Even Santa's connected and always doth carry, not magic, not Rudolph, but his faithful BlackBerry!"
December 23, 2008
Dirty laundry.......
I had hoped that this mess would have been kept between families where it should be but that is no longer the case. When one files a motion with the court it becomes a matter of public record. Hence I am free to inform all just what is currently taking place. I am going to try hard not to inject my personal feelings into this, but to give you the facts.
On December 8th of this year, David C. Symons through his attorney Philip R. Sturtz filed a motion for injunctive relief. There are eight (8) separate paragraphs to this motion, the first two are standard boiler plate, the remaining six (6) get to the meat of the matter.
1. That the Plaintiff has commenced a partition action before this Honorable Court.
2. That the court is well familiar with the facts and circumstances of the matter currently before this Court.
3. This matter has been hotly contested by the parties with no less than three (3) appeals being taken to the Court of Appeals. The Court in its last decision clearly and distinctly ordered the cottage sold to Mr. David C. Symons and directed Mr. David Meyer, the mediator to complete the terms forthwith.
4. That on or about November 24, 2008, apparently following the most recent motion in Court directing that the cottage has been sold, the defendants announce, "The cottage has been reserved for the Christmas holiday period. Dec. 23 through New Years", see exhibit #1 attached herto and incorporated herin. The Plaintiff, David C. Symons objects to the cottage, which he has purchased, being opened up for any parties for use during the Christmas holidays, or at any period of time.
5. That since this matter has been filed there have been numerous and repeated actions by parties which suggested the commission of waste or damage, including the painting of doors, and "the Internet saga Red Door Journal blog".
6. That it would appear from the e-mail, that while the cottage has been sold to Mr. Symons, that any and all parties will be using the cottage.
7. That the plaintiff is concerned about the commission of waste, turning on of water, re-heating, lack of oil and other neglect that may be committed to the cottage by parties.
8. That Mr. David C. Symons is the current purchaser, and as the purchaser has paid a large sum of money, and he is concerned about his investment and the condition that he may find the premises in if third parties are allowed to use the cottage.
WHEREFORE the Plaintiff prays that his Honorable Court would enter an Order stating that the cottage has been sold to Mr. Symons, that the mediator, Mr. David Meyer is preparing the finalization of all documents, including deeds and sale prices and that due to the nature of the sale and condition of the property the property will not be used by any parties since the cottage property has been sold.
Ok, so there you have the legal mumbo jumbo, the meat and potatoes of what has been filed. Now lets look at the facts.
David Symons submitted an offer to purchase, and gave a deposit to the mediator; nothing more, nothing less.
In other words, IT HAS NOT BEEN SOLD. A sale takes place when money is paid and deed is transferred. Not one of you loyal readers would sell your place and grant the purchaser full and exclusive use if there has been no money paid and no deed transferred.
Secondly, when the afore mentioned e-mail about the cottage being reserved for the Christmas holidays was sent out, per customary cottage protocol, it was followed up with a return email from David Symons, not only acknowledging that the cottage would be used, but included hints about how much oil was in the tank and should it get low, let Chris know to contact the oil provider. Now that doesn't sound like someone who is deathly afraid of the place being trashed. How did that turn about happen???
Now, mother and Joey are planning on going up for the Christmas holidays and will return after the new year.
Ok here is where I interject my opinion, for whats it worth.
So this latest attempt comes as no surprise and we will deal with it like we have in every other issue that has been thrown at us, and we will rise above, not stoop to his level.
Right now we are waiting on the Judge to decide on this latest motion, one that should be so simple even a 5th grader could get it right.
On December 8th of this year, David C. Symons through his attorney Philip R. Sturtz filed a motion for injunctive relief. There are eight (8) separate paragraphs to this motion, the first two are standard boiler plate, the remaining six (6) get to the meat of the matter.
1. That the Plaintiff has commenced a partition action before this Honorable Court.
2. That the court is well familiar with the facts and circumstances of the matter currently before this Court.
3. This matter has been hotly contested by the parties with no less than three (3) appeals being taken to the Court of Appeals. The Court in its last decision clearly and distinctly ordered the cottage sold to Mr. David C. Symons and directed Mr. David Meyer, the mediator to complete the terms forthwith.
4. That on or about November 24, 2008, apparently following the most recent motion in Court directing that the cottage has been sold, the defendants announce, "The cottage has been reserved for the Christmas holiday period. Dec. 23 through New Years", see exhibit #1 attached herto and incorporated herin. The Plaintiff, David C. Symons objects to the cottage, which he has purchased, being opened up for any parties for use during the Christmas holidays, or at any period of time.
5. That since this matter has been filed there have been numerous and repeated actions by parties which suggested the commission of waste or damage, including the painting of doors, and "the Internet saga Red Door Journal blog".
6. That it would appear from the e-mail, that while the cottage has been sold to Mr. Symons, that any and all parties will be using the cottage.
7. That the plaintiff is concerned about the commission of waste, turning on of water, re-heating, lack of oil and other neglect that may be committed to the cottage by parties.
8. That Mr. David C. Symons is the current purchaser, and as the purchaser has paid a large sum of money, and he is concerned about his investment and the condition that he may find the premises in if third parties are allowed to use the cottage.
WHEREFORE the Plaintiff prays that his Honorable Court would enter an Order stating that the cottage has been sold to Mr. Symons, that the mediator, Mr. David Meyer is preparing the finalization of all documents, including deeds and sale prices and that due to the nature of the sale and condition of the property the property will not be used by any parties since the cottage property has been sold.
Ok, so there you have the legal mumbo jumbo, the meat and potatoes of what has been filed. Now lets look at the facts.
David Symons submitted an offer to purchase, and gave a deposit to the mediator; nothing more, nothing less.
In other words, IT HAS NOT BEEN SOLD. A sale takes place when money is paid and deed is transferred. Not one of you loyal readers would sell your place and grant the purchaser full and exclusive use if there has been no money paid and no deed transferred.
Secondly, when the afore mentioned e-mail about the cottage being reserved for the Christmas holidays was sent out, per customary cottage protocol, it was followed up with a return email from David Symons, not only acknowledging that the cottage would be used, but included hints about how much oil was in the tank and should it get low, let Chris know to contact the oil provider. Now that doesn't sound like someone who is deathly afraid of the place being trashed. How did that turn about happen???
Now, mother and Joey are planning on going up for the Christmas holidays and will return after the new year.
Ok here is where I interject my opinion, for whats it worth.
So this latest attempt comes as no surprise and we will deal with it like we have in every other issue that has been thrown at us, and we will rise above, not stoop to his level.
Right now we are waiting on the Judge to decide on this latest motion, one that should be so simple even a 5th grader could get it right.
December 19, 2008
Now don't you go and tell Josephine where we stole this tree from, you got that?
December 15, 2008
Back to business.......
Yesterday I reflected on that interesting situation in Baghdad where a journalist threw his shoes at President Bush, knowing that had that occurred just a few years ago, he would have undoubtedly met with an not so pleasant ending. As it were, the freedom that our President and our incredible troops brought to that country, gave that journalist an opportunity to express his views without fear. Freedom of speech is so important, regardless of whether we agree or disagree with the messenger; it’s his right to say what he will. With that in mind, allow me to get back to the intended purpose of “The Red Door Journal.”
It seems some feel that stifling my voice was critical to their cause. So I asked myself WTF are they afraid of? The truth perhaps? And for a while I refrained. Not any longer. If that journalist in Baghdad can hurl a size 10 hushpuppy at the president, I too should say what the facts are without fear of intimidation.
So, again here I sat in court for the umpteenth time listening to the same dribble and diatribe, a silly, frivolous and totally without merit motion. Has that man nothing better to do? For reasons only known to him, he believes since an offer to purchase was made, and a deposit given, this entitles him to full control and possession of the cottage, and none of the other owners have the ability to use it, or so it would seem.
Now color me stupid, but as my posting of December 8th, alluded to, it isn’t yours till you pay for it, unlike Wimpy of the Popeye cartoon fame who so eloquently stated, "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” That might work on television, but not in the real world. Is it fear and intimidation that drives the plaintiff to force my mother from using what is still hers? Or is it a fear of interacting and communicating with a sibling? I’m leaning towards the latter.
This cottage has been used at Christmas and over the holidays many times over the years. As kids growing up we always spent the Christmas holidays at the cottage skiing. As did many other cottage owners. We all have been blessed to have a caretaker who will go in and turn on the heat, let the old girl warm up for a few days, before turning on the water. Then when we're done, he goes in and turns off the water; drain’s the lines and turns off the furnace. How great is that? Some view that as cruel and unusual punishment, bordering on torture. I am trying to figure out how running water through warm lines is painful and torturous.
"The Red Door Journal" it seems has been getting more ink of late, along with a large increase in visits and page views, I can only assume from where it comes. If I’m correct, welcome aboard. Feel free to leave comments, you can do so now anonymously without fear of identification or reprisal. All comments are welcome. The president did a good job of ducking, so can I.
For those of you who are going north to Lakeside, Cottage Grove or Pinewoods for this holiday season, be sure to stop in and wish my mother and sister a merry Christmas and happy new year, they’ll be there with bells on and a freshly decorated tree in the living room! Not sure what Lucy will be wearing but it’s sure to be appropriate.
It seems some feel that stifling my voice was critical to their cause. So I asked myself WTF are they afraid of? The truth perhaps? And for a while I refrained. Not any longer. If that journalist in Baghdad can hurl a size 10 hushpuppy at the president, I too should say what the facts are without fear of intimidation.
So, again here I sat in court for the umpteenth time listening to the same dribble and diatribe, a silly, frivolous and totally without merit motion. Has that man nothing better to do? For reasons only known to him, he believes since an offer to purchase was made, and a deposit given, this entitles him to full control and possession of the cottage, and none of the other owners have the ability to use it, or so it would seem.
Now color me stupid, but as my posting of December 8th, alluded to, it isn’t yours till you pay for it, unlike Wimpy of the Popeye cartoon fame who so eloquently stated, "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” That might work on television, but not in the real world. Is it fear and intimidation that drives the plaintiff to force my mother from using what is still hers? Or is it a fear of interacting and communicating with a sibling? I’m leaning towards the latter.
This cottage has been used at Christmas and over the holidays many times over the years. As kids growing up we always spent the Christmas holidays at the cottage skiing. As did many other cottage owners. We all have been blessed to have a caretaker who will go in and turn on the heat, let the old girl warm up for a few days, before turning on the water. Then when we're done, he goes in and turns off the water; drain’s the lines and turns off the furnace. How great is that? Some view that as cruel and unusual punishment, bordering on torture. I am trying to figure out how running water through warm lines is painful and torturous.
"The Red Door Journal" it seems has been getting more ink of late, along with a large increase in visits and page views, I can only assume from where it comes. If I’m correct, welcome aboard. Feel free to leave comments, you can do so now anonymously without fear of identification or reprisal. All comments are welcome. The president did a good job of ducking, so can I.
For those of you who are going north to Lakeside, Cottage Grove or Pinewoods for this holiday season, be sure to stop in and wish my mother and sister a merry Christmas and happy new year, they’ll be there with bells on and a freshly decorated tree in the living room! Not sure what Lucy will be wearing but it’s sure to be appropriate.
December 14, 2008
December 11, 2008
December 10, 2008
Could not pass this one by....
U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) is “completely guiltless” in the alleged scheme to corrupt the appointment of a new U.S. senator from Illinois and will meet with federal investigators as soon as Friday, the congressman’s newly hired attorney said today.
… I can’t stop laughing when I re-read the phrase “newly hired attorney” in that last line. How stupid does he think people are? Wait, don’t answer that last question.
… I can’t stop laughing when I re-read the phrase “newly hired attorney” in that last line. How stupid does he think people are? Wait, don’t answer that last question.
This is a gift.....

Too many captions to choose from, add your own in the comments section...
1. "So, if I get sentenced to eight years or less, I can still run for president in 2016?" The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come was really unprepared for this idiot.
2. "I sure as f**k *am* the Blago that you knew, Barry Soetero!"
3. No, that's not the year Chairman O leaves office, that's the Dow six months after Chairman O *takes* office.
4. "So, all of a sudden it's wrong for a dedicated public servant to make a few bucks selling a senate seat that hasn't even been used in three years. Jeez, next thing you know, you'll be coming after me for those fourteen year old hitchhikers I got buried in the crawlspace... What?"
5. "Donald Trump framed me, I tell you. He's jealous of my hair!"
December 8, 2008
This is not how you do it.....

You see, there is just one small problem with this new motion, someone has to pay for the cottage first.
Unlike our friend above who tried to pay Tuesday for something he wanted today, someone needs to write a check and deposit it with the court. Then this someone needs to sit down with his/her partners and work out the distribution of the contents, then and only then is a deed signed.
RealEstate 101, it's not brain surgery.
December 6, 2008
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