Who would have guessed that a painted red door surrounded by a gracefully old dark green cottage might have been the cause of this mess. What started as an artistic endeavour, to be viewed and enjoyed by many, was interpreted by another as an assault. An assault on his perceived position of superiority. Unwilling to share any longer what was once given to 3, he now wants for himself.
This journal is my way of dealing with the anger, the frustration and yes, the realization that though this fine old cottage might never change, the people who make this a great place to come and relax will be changed. Changed forever, and that's not what grandma and grandpa had in mind.
Your reading this because I have had a change of heart, it was never intended to be viewed by anyone, this was to be my therapy, my way of dealing with what one brother is doing to his sister. It's not fair and it's not right.
What ever happened to talking face to face anymore? Has the Internet and e mails taken away the need for that? Wouldn't you think that something as important as dissolving a joint partnership be discussed face to face? It makes sense I guess if your a decent compassionate person, and if your not, then I guess sending an e mail is the chicken shit way to go. Nice job asshole, show everyone just how compassionate you are towards your sister and your late sisters children. I bet your kids are proud of you, and your friends are impressed with your savoy way of dealing with this. And while your at it pat yourself on the back for a job well done. What you don't see is how despicable you are viewed as, how people are laughing behind your back, and you'll see soon enough.
Let the journey begin!
Good start on the family "secret". Oh, I forgot. It became a public record when he filed the lawsuit with the civil court. Didn't his attorney tell him that?? He sure seemed surprised to hear that everyone knows what the P.O.S. has done.
I enjoy your journal. I think it is great redirection of frustration. I know we all feel it. I remember when I first heard about what he was doing. I just thought, my god, Sophia will never know and experience the family history the way that we all have. I was something we all thought would be there forever- traditional for all of us, and it was taken from her before she ever got to know it.
No summers at the cottage anymore. It will just be stories about what we remember about it. Who does this type of thing to their own family?
A big thank you to the man that has helped me with this situation.
Couldn't have done it without Top.
Venting helps but the sad reality is we are helpless is this battle for family dignity. What would Ben or Helen Ann or those before them--sister Kitty and Helen be thinking.
I had a brother who stabbed me in the back and you think it can;'t happen, or that others will learn from the mistakes but yet another sister is being tormented by her own brother. Like a dagger to the heart and I wish it on no one.
Man, this is worse than Christopher Ciccone back stabbing Madonna!
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