December 19, 2007
December 5, 2007
Cookbooks are in......

"It's about thyme"
There will be a limited number of cookbooks available, and the best news is, the're cheap!
For the low low price of just $15.00 each you'll want to get at least two, and if I recall, isn't there a certain holiday coming up in a few weeks. Makes a great gift.
But who am I kidding, it's all about those mouth watering recipes you'll want to have. Did I mention Parsley Sandwiches?
To order, please contact me via e-mail at: chas9198@hotmail.com or Josephine at jlee913164@aol.com
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
November 28, 2007
Ok, I give up, where did you put that damn bird?
November 18, 2007
See everyone next summer!
November 16, 2007
November 14, 2007
November 11, 2007
Veterans Day, we should never forget,,Thank You!

This picture says more than a thousand words can about my feelings for our military heroes. I wish my father was here so I could thank him for his service in World War II. It is one of the things that I regret not doing when he was alive.
Pearl Harbor survivor Houston James of Dallas is overcome
with emotion as he embraces
Marine Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr. during a
Dallas Veterans Day Commemoration.
with emotion as he embraces
Marine Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr. during a
Dallas Veterans Day Commemoration.
November 7, 2007
A fresh breeze or hot air, Chicago get ready , John Symons is back!
'Love Notes'
John Symons comes back to replace Delilah on Lite FM's nighttime lineup
November 7, 2007
.John Symons comes back to replace Delilah on Lite FM's nighttime lineup
November 7, 2007
BY ROBERT FEDER Sun-Times Columnist
Delilah is out and "Love Notes" is in on the evening shift at WLIT-FM (93.9).
In the latest programming move at the Clear Channel Radio adult-contemporary station, the request, dedication and lovelorn advice show hosted by Delilah (full name: Delilah Rene Luke) has been axed after seven years.
Poor ratings were cited for dropping the insufferably sappy Seattle-based syndicated show, which had its last airing Monday.
Starting Thursday, Lite FM will replace Delilah with "Love Notes," hosted by John Symons. Airing from 7 p.m. to midnight seven nights a week, he'll be live on weeknights and on recorded voice tracks on weekends.
Symons' multiyear deal, signed Tuesday, was negotiated by agent Steve Mandell.
Until he was forced out last year, Symons hosted the popular "Love Notes" for eight years on Bonneville International's adult-contemporary WILV-FM (100.3) and its predecessor, WNND. He spent 11 years before that at WSNY-FM in Columbus, Ohio.
"It has been a little over a year since I have been on the air, but a day hasn't gone by that I haven't thought about the wonderful people who I was lucky enough to spend the nights with," Symons said. "I'm hoping they can once again make room for me on their dance cards."
It's the second time in recent weeks that Lite FM has dropped a major show distributed by Clear Channel's Premiere Radio Networks in favor of a local one. Whoopi Goldberg's syndicated morning show was replaced last month by Melissa Forman.
"We need a local Chicago show at night on the Lite to embrace our wonderful city," said Darren Davis, vice president of programming and operations for Clear Channel in Chicago.
"John brings such a special twist to nighttime radio, with a proven Chicago track record, I am delighted to get the show started. With Melissa Forman back in mornings, and now John to round out the lineup, the Lite is set."
"Congratulations John"
November 5, 2007
November 1, 2007
It's about thyme!
October 31, 2007
More News....
In addition to the plaintiffs attorney's fee's having being determined excessive, the judge also granted our stay motion, thus putting on hold the sale of the cottage, pending appeal. Our appeal will be forth coming.
A small victory for us!
In a seperate issue, it appears that the J.W. Symons sign that hung from the pine tree behind the back cottage for many years has been removed. Perhaps the cleaning lady will find this too!
October 23, 2007
Good news!
The cookbook is almost done, a few minor adjustments, some final editing and then off to the publisher.
And the question that seems to be asked the most is what about the Parsley Sandwich recipe, is that included?
Well of course it..........
Guess we will find out in a month of so. stay tuned.
October 19, 2007
October 16, 2007
Yup it's true he was there.....
Don't ask me why, he didn't say, however if one is judged by the company he keeps, I think we know who invited him.
Stu, if you are a regular reader or just visiting for the first time, you might want to stay tuned, you just might learn something. Not tonight, gosh that would be too simple, but hey, give me a few days, keep checking back, the facts will surprise you.
Stu, if you are a regular reader or just visiting for the first time, you might want to stay tuned, you just might learn something. Not tonight, gosh that would be too simple, but hey, give me a few days, keep checking back, the facts will surprise you.
October 15, 2007
October 12, 2007
October 7, 2007
Happy Columbus Day!
On the bright side, the courts are closed, on the not so bright side, someone out there has to wait just a little bit longer to "DISCOVER" that things don't quite seem to be as he would hope they are! Funny how things work out like that!
More to follow...
More to follow...
September 28, 2007
September 24, 2007
September 22, 2007
September 11, 2007
September 5, 2007
What, no apology?
If I were to imply someone took something, and then discovered I was wrong, I would apologize.
Wouldn't you?
September 4, 2007
August 23, 2007
August 22, 2007
August 21, 2007
August 8, 2007
July 31, 2007
July 30, 2007
July 23, 2007
Will there be an end of the month surpirse?

I guess we will know in due time what is in store. We have been told that a report will be provided and what it says will dictate our next move. I still can't help feel that so much confusion has been created over this and how it has been handled that your guess is as good as mine.
We have our game plan drawn up and ready to go, yet we sit, waiting to see what the report says.
Stay tuned.......
ps Sue M. your books are in.
July 19, 2007
July 15, 2007
July 8, 2007
Too little, too late?

I wonder if the issue of a central bank account is addressed in this new book? You know like the one where all owners contribute their respective share of the cottage expenses and then usually one owner or another will be responsible for the distribution of the funds for the various bills that occur. Kind of like our arraignment. For over 10 years now, Stu, Katy, David and mother all contribute their respective share of the expenses , and one check is written from a JOINT account. I would have to think this topic is covered, because it can and has become an issue. Especially when one lets others think they are paying all the bills. A side benefit is everyone has a record of their financial activity, everyone!
July 4, 2007
June 27, 2007
June 23, 2007
Sharing times used to be happy times.....

It appears that there are some out there who think or have been told that one party to all of this has been forced to foot the financial responsibilities for all. Not true, the expenses have been shared by all since day one. Anyone making claims to such are our right liars.
As mentioned in a previous post, there are only a few of us who know the real truth and it will be published once this is finished so please be mindfull of our situation and refrain from making statements that are not factual. Help us enjoy what could be our last summer up here and let's have some fun!
June 21, 2007
Watch out I will be there Friday
June 11, 2007
Be careful of what you say.
I have reluctantly not posted anything news worthy concerning the cottage of late because honestly, things had been going rather slowly. I filled that void with issues near and dear and some humor thrown in for the heck of it. That however will soon change.
This blog was started as a means to vent my frustration over what was happening to my mother and her interest in the cottage, and I have had to bite my tongue on more than one occasion because it was the right thing to do. Trust me; it has been frustrating to say the least, hearing of people who think they know what’s going on or think one party is not being fair to the other, or give their opinion and make comments that are far from factual.
To those I say be careful.
I reluctantly made this blog public, and encouraged you all to leave comments. If you disagree with what I am saying, tell me, if you agree with what I am saying, say so, or just post a friendly hello. Your comments are always welcome. But to make statements based upon false information is wrong.
There are a handful of people who know what’s going on, in time you all will know. So please be understanding of those who are the unwilling participants in this debacle, they did not bring this upon themselves, yet are faced with the unpleasantness of it all.
So let’s have great summer..…Go Lakeside, beat Cottage Grove…..!
June 3, 2007
June 1, 2007
May 31, 2007
May 30, 2007
May 29, 2007
A Memorial Day Tribute, with no thanks to Google...
It is rather unfortunate that my former search engine cannot show the proper respect for all of our brave men and women who have and are now serving in our military. It is a shame that for a number of years they have found it acceptable to recognize the holiday for Canada, New Zealand, to name a few but not the USA.
So for the next week, each day we will pay tribute to everyone who has served their country in what ever branch of service. The first one is in recognition of my father for his service in WW II. Thanks Dad..
And to show you what I am talking about here is Google's reply to a question asked why no tribute to Memorial Day, from 2005 and 2007. Can you see the similarity?
Memorial Day response 2007 from Google:
Thank you for your note. We appreciate your interest in seeing a Memorial Day Google logo. If we were to commemorate this holiday, we’d want to express reverence; however, as Google’s special logos tend to be lighthearted in nature, this would be a particularly challenging design. We wouldn’t want to create a graphic that could be interpreted as disrespectful in any way.
We have a long list of holidays that we’d like to celebrate in the future. We have to balance this rotating calendar with the need to maintain the consistency of the Google homepage. We really value your feedback regarding the Google logo, and please be assured that we’re actively pursuing ways in which we can acknowledge Memorial Day and other such occasions in the future.
The Google Team
Memorial Day response 2005 from Google:
We have to balance this rotating calendar with the need to maintain the consistency of the Google homepage.
Furthermore, Google’s special logos tend to be lighthearted in nature. If we were to commemorate Memorial Day, we would want to express reverence, rather than mirth. This would be a particularly challenging design. We would not want to, in any way, create a graphic that could be interpreted as disrespectful. In light of the mail we have received about this, we are actively considering designs we could display on this day next year. We welcome any suggestions you may have.
So for the next week, each day we will pay tribute to everyone who has served their country in what ever branch of service. The first one is in recognition of my father for his service in WW II. Thanks Dad..
And to show you what I am talking about here is Google's reply to a question asked why no tribute to Memorial Day, from 2005 and 2007. Can you see the similarity?
Memorial Day response 2007 from Google:
Thank you for your note. We appreciate your interest in seeing a Memorial Day Google logo. If we were to commemorate this holiday, we’d want to express reverence; however, as Google’s special logos tend to be lighthearted in nature, this would be a particularly challenging design. We wouldn’t want to create a graphic that could be interpreted as disrespectful in any way.
We have a long list of holidays that we’d like to celebrate in the future. We have to balance this rotating calendar with the need to maintain the consistency of the Google homepage. We really value your feedback regarding the Google logo, and please be assured that we’re actively pursuing ways in which we can acknowledge Memorial Day and other such occasions in the future.
The Google Team
Memorial Day response 2005 from Google:
We have to balance this rotating calendar with the need to maintain the consistency of the Google homepage.
Furthermore, Google’s special logos tend to be lighthearted in nature. If we were to commemorate Memorial Day, we would want to express reverence, rather than mirth. This would be a particularly challenging design. We would not want to, in any way, create a graphic that could be interpreted as disrespectful. In light of the mail we have received about this, we are actively considering designs we could display on this day next year. We welcome any suggestions you may have.
May 27, 2007
This just in....
May 26, 2007
May 22, 2007
Receipts, records, yea there here somewhere.....

You have to be kidding me, told that the financial records for the cottage were at Luigi's office and you can view them there, to fine, you can come and pick them up on Wednesday to, what do you mean you cant find them? And now Luigi's gone fishing? What the F@$K....
I have an idea what might have happened, if you look real close, doesn't that look like a receipt for screens, and oh look here's one for the dock sections. And I am sure the rest are here, somewhere, got any tape?
May 21, 2007
May 15, 2007
May 14, 2007
Always a few in each family!
April 23, 2007

Is there a stronger bond than the one that exist between a man and his dog? With the exception of family it's hard to think of another one. Who else would sit there soaking wet, while his master was fishing, waiting for just the right moment, that look, that slight head movement that says it's OK boy come on out here. That's a special bond alright. But what about family? What about the bond that exists between siblings, that's a strong one isn't it?
Mine is, but then mine is special, being a twin makes it special, but hey who am I kidding, all siblings have that special bond don't they? What about Lionel & Ethel Barrymore, or Shirley McClain & Warren Beatty, then there are the Wright Brothers, the Marx Brothers, the Rockefeller's, John and David, and let's not forget the Symons brothers!
Yup, that sibling bond is a strong one ain't it? Unbreakable, indestructible, it can never be broken, from cradle to grave. We all know that old saying, friends can come and go but family is always family. You can see where I am going with this can't you? Something has happened, that bond has been broken and I don't have the answer. I'm not sure anyone does. Can it be fixed, perhaps, but it takes two and right now there is one. We shall see...
April 16, 2007
What would Ben say........

For as gentle a man as he was, he's gotta be pissed. Worse than a new 8X tippet with a freshly tied Royal Coachman snagged on a willow branch right over a deep hole during a caddis hatch.
I wish he were here right now to see what his son has done, this was not what he had envisioned, and for that I am truly saddened. I greatly admired my grandfather, he was such an inspiration, he was someone I could look up to in addition to my father. I still brag about his hunting and fishing exploits and hope that when I am 85 I can still throw a fly line or shoot a partridge from a moving car. Oh wait that's not legal is it? He told me it was it was so it must be!
I don't even want to imagine what my grandmother is thinking right now, she could be a real force to deal with and I have a feeling she ain't done with David yet, his day is coming.
Grandma and Grandpa, I am saddened by the actions of your son, as is a lot of other people. This grand old place will never be the same again, never. Regardless of the outcome the damage has been done, and sadly it cannot be rectified. She will be missed, but not forgotten.
I am hopeful that my mother can get one last time up there, she will be celebrating 80 years there this summer and it would be shame if that couldn't happen, time will tell, time will tell.......
April 11, 2007
April 5, 2007
Here we go again.....
Back into court on Monday morning, this will prove to be interesting. One word keeps coming to mind, perjury. Stay tuned to see what happens. This one will be fun, I am betting on it.
April 1, 2007
Might know more after Tuesday, stay tuned.....
More to follow after questions are asked and answered.
March 29, 2007
The older we get, the smarter our parents become...

There was a time when I thought I knew everything, or at least as much as my dad, heck, maybe more. But in all fairness, I am talking everyday things, gosh he was an engineer, and a really good one at that. Way out of my league!
Think about it, at age 18 we know everything, nothing our parents tell us means diddly. At age 25 we think we're light years ahead of them, out of college, smarter than a whip, we can take on any task. By the time we're 35 something is happening, because our parenting skills are telling us that maybe our mother's were right after all, heck, look how good we all turned out. Now we're 45 and things are looking bleak in the smart race, guess who is catching up. By 50 it's all over, all sorts of things start happening most of which we don't need to go into here, but as difficult it may be to admit, our parents are smarter than we are. There is hope, soon our children will start to realize just how smart we are. And that brings me to the purpose of this post.
You can say a lot about my father but lets not forget how smart he was. He knew a bargain when he saw one. When he bought us kids that mail truck at a post office auction, he knew what he was doing. He even made it a family affair and had all us out in the drive way taping and painting that thing to look like an American flag. Red/White/Blue with stars. Again, he had a purpose.
We were just happy to have our own transportation, plus it was way cooler to drive that mail truck than our mothers station wagon. We were able to put our artistic talent to work on the inside with the best posters we could find, a record player, and a wicker couch. Cruising through McDonald's was an experience and we had a blast. As obvious as this mail truck was we were able to get away with some shenanigans. Except that night when a concerned citizen reported a suspicious looking mail truck to the township police, who knew right away who it belonged to. Soon enough there was dad knocking on the side window asking in all too familiar voice, "what the hell are you doing in there?" Those teenage years were great weren't they?
The longer I reminisced over this photo, the clearer it became, remember I said Dad was smart, there was a method to his madness, and he found a great way to achieve it. That old jeep provided Dad with a level of security he envisioned for us, yet it allowed us the freedom of expression. Just one of the great lessons he taught us.
I made a reference to dad in the previous post, his guidance and his wisdom is always present and he is an inspiration to us all. There isn't a day that I don't ask myself what would dad do.
This struggle of good against evil is an example of where his presence is felt and needed, he is always near by yet I miss him a lot.
Keep looking out for us, lord knows we need it!
Thanks Dad
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